Today would most certainly have been a busted biscuit day!
1) This morning (I write my blog at night and then post the next day) was one of those mornings where I thought that God really did not want me to leave the house because something bad was going to happen. First, Jeff and I had a scheduling conflict with who would drop Sophie off at my parents house. Then, of course, my skirt for work needed to be ironed. Could not find my car keys. As I was preparing our crock pot meal for tonight, I dumped all the ingredients into the crock instead of the pot. The frozen chicken was so frozen that I thought it must have been buried in the snow in Antarctica for the past two years. The plastic would not come off so I had to place it in the microwave to dethaw. Oh and then wouldn't you know that the recipe first calls for the soup/cream cheese to be warmed on the stove before it is placed over the chicken in the crock pot. And then I started laughing because what else was there to do at this point?! Didn't my devotional say something this morning about noticing God in the small things and thanking him??!
2) A few posts ago, I was sharing about two of my priority summer reads that I recently purchased at Barnes and Noble -
Green Sparkly Earrings By Melanie Shankle
I just finished Sparkly Green Earrings and WOW!!! Love, Love, Loved it!! One of those books where you really laugh out loud at the things only a mama can understand. And then you breath a sign of relief because you think - "Whew, I am not the Only One. Thank Goodness!" If you are looking for a fun and easy summer read GET IT NOW through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Lifeway Christian Bookstore.
One of my favorite quotes from the book - "I have decided there is really no better indictor that you're a mother than acquiring the ability to catch throw-up in a plastic bag, disinfect your hands, and immediately ask your friend to pass the beef jerky as you put on another Taylor Swift song and act as if nothing happened."
I will be starting A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet By Sophie Hudson this weekend and can't wait! Yes, I am aware that I confess this at the expensive of sounding like I have no social skills whatsoever but I do not even care! A good book, warm bath, and glass of wine are calling my name!
3) As you may know from reading previous posts, we recently lost our 4 legged fur baby - Bella, our family cat. Our hearts broke as it happened very suddenly and unexpected. This week I received a letter from The University of Tennessee College of Veterninary Medicine stating that our local Animal Hospital, where we had taken Bella for so many years, had made a donation to the Companion Animal Fund in memory of Bella. There are no words - thank you Northgate Animal Hospital!
Have a great day!