Marriage is not easy. It is hard work. It is tiring work. It is exhausting till I can barely stand up anymore work. You add children into the mix of things and that adds a whole other element of work. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the "work" of if all and miss the "moments."
I have bought in to the whole social media frenzy. Now, I may not share every single detail of every moment of my day but I get it. It helps us stay connected with family and friends among many other things. This blog is a perfect example of social media. It allows me to create an easy scrapbook of memories for our family when otherwise it may not happen.
However, social media also lends to temptation. "Friending" an ex on facebook, checking out how others are living their life and who got what and went where on vacation. Then, before you know it, the internal analyzing begins. Well, why doesn't my husband do that? Why don't we get to go there? Why can't I buy that? It is disturbingly easy to get wrapped up in everyone elses "status updates" and before you know it you are trajecting those feelings upon your own marriage and life. That is when things get dangerous.
Marriage and life are hard enough without the "outside" clutter influencing you and your relationship. This is something I struggle with sometimes. Who wouldn't love to have a spouse who just received a triple digit promotion? A vacation through Europe? A 5000 sq. foot home?
The clutter starts eating at me and prevents me from just "being" in the moment and the simple joys that God has blessed our family with. The "clutter" is not part of God's perfect plan for us. Our marriage and our journey together is not like anyone elses. Our journey is our own path which we chose to walk together 8 1/2 years ago in front of God, our family, and our friends.
My husband gets me and knows me, at the very core of my being, and unlike anyone else. He is the one who holds my hand when we pray together, when I am sick, suffering a loss, or just watching TV in bed together at night. And now, he helps me hold the hand of our little girl. He is my partner and my best friend. Sometimes though, it just seems easier to focus on the "clutter" and negative. When this happens I miss "seeing" the moments of coming home to a clean house, him playing princess dress up with our 4 year old daughter, cuddling on the couch with our kittens, keeping us safe and secure, or calling our neighbor to check on her because of a random car parked her driveway. Pretty much all of the reasons (and many more) I fell in love with him in the first place. All the reasons that I CHOSE to say yes when he CHOSE to ask me to marry him all those years ago.
Our marriage is centered around God and our foundation in him. Yes, it is work. Yes, it is hard but at the end of the day, we CHOOSE to commit our lives to each other until death do us part.