Ballgame! It's a wrap on Sophie's softball career. Wait, I know what you are thinking. How is that even possible because I just read on your blog last week that Sophie was getting ready to start softball and was so excited about it. Yes, you would be correct. However, as things have a tendency to do, it did not quite happen like we thought it would.
Instead, it went a little something like this - Sophie was so excited for softball practice on Sunday that she wanted to practice in the driveway that morning before church. The whole way to church she kept asking, are we there yet?! Then the whole way from church to the ballfield - are we there yet?! We finally arrived at practice and once she hopped out of that car, it was as though everything within her completely changed and she was pretty much like - yeah, thanks but no thanks. Not happening....not today. Her death grip alternated between mine and Jeff's legs. She would not even turn her head to look at the coach. So, after about an hour of this drama (in heat that would make the devil himself seek shelter), we called it a wrap. We know our child and this was not happening.
It was most certainly one of those parenting moments that you know you will one day share with your child when they are older. Remember that time at your first softball practice when you would not remove your death grip from my leg and then we all had to do the "walk of shame" back to our car in the middle of your practice? Of course only after I removed your cleats (leaving you barefoot as you walked to the car) in the hope that I would be able to give them a good scrub and return back to the store so we can get some of our money back?! Good times!
I hate those parenting moments where all you want to do is the right thing by your child but you are just not sure what that is. Do we make her play it out because we don't want her to think it is ok to quit, or we do we just chalk it up to lesson learned and that she is just may not be quite ready for it yet?? We obviously decided on the second option, afterall, she is only 4. There will be plenty of time in the future to teach her about honoring our committments but at her age we just did not feel it was the the right decision for this moment.
Being a parent is so scary and it does not help matters that I of course over analyze everything. For those who know me, I am fully aware that this is not shocking information to you. As parents, in those moments, we worry - Are we doing the right thing? Will she be able to overcome her shyness? Will her shyness hold her back from excelling with a talent that God may have blessed her with (whatever that may be)? Will she miss something or be left behind because of it? Luckily, after a long conversation with my mama (and maybe a few shed tears) she reminded me, she is only 4, there will be time for all of it but just not today and that is ok. She still has plenty of time so don't get all caught up in rushing things along because that is the "thing to do". Afterall, look how much she has overcome her shyness in the past year! She will be ready when she is ready and then as Jeff said, when that day comes, it will just be as if a switch has flipped.
While it sadly did not come to me right away, after much prayer God reminded me that at the end of the day it is not important. What is important is her knowing that she is a child of God and growing in his glory every day. Learning to live her life for him and his plan for her, whatever and wherever that may be. And as parents, living by example for her as we guide and teach her along the way. Sometimes it is just too easy getting caught up in the "grown up" world.
Sophie is still loving softball and played all around the house last night. In fact, this morning I woke up to this sight at 6:30 a.m. -
However, for now, I think we will be sticking our team of three - Sophie, Mommy, and Daddy. Maybe it was just a bit much to throw her into all at once. Maybe we will give it another shot in the spring. Who knows?! Only time will tell but I do think the person who may have learned the most from this whole whirlwind experience was Mommy!