What a wonderful Christmas break!!! We were blessed to be able to spend some special time together with all of our family and in honor of it all, I took some time off from my blog to enjoy the moments. However, I must say, the OCD part of me sure does like being back into a nice routine again. Plus, this is essentially the only way I am able to "scrapbook" our lives!
As much as I thrive on routine, I am not welcoming the sound of the alarm clock or the record breaking cold temperatures we are expecting. In the negative people!!! IN THE NEGATIVE! I am someone who becomes cold when the temperature drops below 70 so you can only imagine my excitement with temperatures of 13 and a wind chill of -5. We live in the south! Southerners did not sign up for this!
Now, our 2013 Christmas Holiday recap in a glance!
One of our favorite yearly tradition is visiting Rock City Enchanted Garden of Lights. This was the first year that Sophie was really ALLLLL about it and just loved it. Sadly, we only missed Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis's visit by a few days. Not sure who was more disappointed - me or Jeff?!
In a weird way, I kinda like the spot on this picture because it is like a little spotlight for baby Jesus who it's all about anyways!
I just loved this picture of him planting kiss on her rosy cheek. You can't really tell but when you zoom in, her eyes are closed and she is grinning from ear to ear. He is def her prince charming!
Sophie insisted on giving kisses to all of the lighted figures.
We could not have picked a more beautiful and clear night!! Check out the insane view of our beautiful city and the amazing moon! God is good!
Playing with all of her goodies on Christmas morning!
It was so fun exchanging gifts with Jeff again this year! We are both already starting on our list for next year. I'm kidding....kinda. This was one of my favorite gifts. He said For - Zumba Queen, From - Da Man. He always makes me laugh!
So excited to be at Gigi and Poppy's opening her first American Girl Doll! Not sure who was more excited - Gigi or Sophie. Mommy was pretty pumped too!
Hello World - meet Lucy. Affectionately named after her soon to be baby girl cousin! Sophie and Lucy modeling their matching PJ's along with Sophie's new cowgirl boots of which she is now obsessed.
She loves Kevin from the movie - "Home Alone" and just had to have this picture made!
We already knew she had turn into a camera ham. However, our suspicions were confirmed when the day after Christmas she had used up all of the memory on her new Nabi tablet. How did she use that much memory you ask?! Well, by taking about 300 selfies of course. She is four. How does she already know about the duck face?!
The Easterday's had a blessed year but we are looking forward to 2014 and all of the opportunities God has in store for us!