To blog or not to blog?! Obviously I decided to go for it. Why not?! I have way too many random "blonde moments" with myself and my family not to share! :) Besides, this could be my best bet to finally get on Good Morning America - unless of course I can get Sophie Bug to do some hilarious you tube video. And yes my friends, I am not above trying that route either! :)
There is a side of me that thinks, hmm - this could be a really thereaputic way to vent about whatever is going on. Then of course my side that always wins out knows that of course I could not do that because with my luck - of course that one wrong person would read it. I was the chick in school who never passed notes during class because the one time I did, I got caught. Now, if you wanted a note passed in between classes, I was your girl. The only thing that irked me though was that I could never really get it folded that certain way where all the ends all tucked in to one another and it was in that cool shape. Yeah, no matter how much I tried, just wasn't happening so I always had to go with the basic fold. Of course I did overcompensate for this by a little glitz and glamour, with obviously my markers and highlighters, on the outside of the note.
So, here we go with the blog. I feel so sophisticated and grown up. As though I need to be sitting in an airport in a business suit waiting for my connector flight while I blog about the craziness of the world with of course a narrator reading what I type. Instead all you will get here will be the blonde moments of my life as a wife and working mommy. Hmm...this could get interesting - stay tuned! :)
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