Chasing after this world makes me tired
Praisin' my own name leaves me dry
There's gotta be so much more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath
I wanna live with abandon
Give You all that I am
Every part of my heart Jesus
I place in Your hands
I wanna live with abandon
I'll drop everything to follow You
It's only Your hands I hold onto
There's gotta be more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath
I'm not looking back
I'm done with that
Wanna give You all I haveLive With Abandon - Newsboys
Praisin' my own name leaves me dry
There's gotta be so much more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath
I wanna live with abandon
Give You all that I am
Every part of my heart Jesus
I place in Your hands
I wanna live with abandon
I'll drop everything to follow You
It's only Your hands I hold onto
There's gotta be more to life than this
A higher calling that I missed
I want my life to count, every breath
I'm not looking back
I'm done with that
Wanna give You all I haveLive With Abandon - Newsboys
The song lyrics above really speak volumes as to where I have been in my life over the past 9 months or so. I want to live with complete abandon. I want to do everything that I can do to reach others who may not yet know the blessing of walking every single day with Jesus. The pure joy, happiness, and security that it brings you. However, it is not easy. The more corrupt our world becomes, the more challenges we face in our daily walk with Jesus.
I was recently reminded of the importance of my daily quiet time alone with God. Having this time alone with him every morning in study and prayer is like putting on my suit of armor for the day.

As I mentioned recently, Jeff and I nixed soda and caffeine from our diet. After reading so many things for so long about all the icky ingredients and what you are putting into your body by drinking them, we decided to stop. We felt as though this was a pretty easy and simple (famous last words) way to rid our body of unneeded toxins. With this thought in mind, during a lunch converstion with a friend yesterday, I had a lightbulb moment. Or as Oprah likes to call it, an AHA moment. I realized that over the past year, I have worked hard to rid my body of other "toxins". In with the good and out with the bad.
I identified triggers for me that allow that door to open ever so slightly and the devil to creep right in because that is all he needs. Just a little crack in the door and he slithers right through. For example - Facebook. Now don't get me wrong, I love me some facebook. It's a great way to keep in touch with people, stay updated on things, and even shop. Luckily, I have not yet felt convicted to check my shopping - whew. Anyways, facebook opens up doors to all sorts of things and before you know it you are striving to keep up with the Jones....or now a days, the Kardashians.
Why couldn't we go on that vacation?
Oh, look at her new car. I sure would love to have a new car!
Are you kidding me? They are on here again talking about that?
Hmm, wonder what that ex-boyfriend is up too?
And of course I could go on and on. Social media is now necessary evil but as with anything in life, it is best in moderation. Luckily, I realized I could block certain things from showing on my facebook newsfeed. This allows me to only see what I want and need to see and not to be distracted by anything else. I know it may not seem like that big of a deal but everyone is different and for me, it works. It is just one more way I am flushing the "toxins" out of my body. Just one more way I am learning to live with abandon.

As I mentioned recently, Jeff and I nixed soda and caffeine from our diet. After reading so many things for so long about all the icky ingredients and what you are putting into your body by drinking them, we decided to stop. We felt as though this was a pretty easy and simple (famous last words) way to rid our body of unneeded toxins. With this thought in mind, during a lunch converstion with a friend yesterday, I had a lightbulb moment. Or as Oprah likes to call it, an AHA moment. I realized that over the past year, I have worked hard to rid my body of other "toxins". In with the good and out with the bad.
I identified triggers for me that allow that door to open ever so slightly and the devil to creep right in because that is all he needs. Just a little crack in the door and he slithers right through. For example - Facebook. Now don't get me wrong, I love me some facebook. It's a great way to keep in touch with people, stay updated on things, and even shop. Luckily, I have not yet felt convicted to check my shopping - whew. Anyways, facebook opens up doors to all sorts of things and before you know it you are striving to keep up with the Jones....or now a days, the Kardashians.
Why couldn't we go on that vacation?
Oh, look at her new car. I sure would love to have a new car!
Are you kidding me? They are on here again talking about that?
Hmm, wonder what that ex-boyfriend is up too?
And of course I could go on and on. Social media is now necessary evil but as with anything in life, it is best in moderation. Luckily, I realized I could block certain things from showing on my facebook newsfeed. This allows me to only see what I want and need to see and not to be distracted by anything else. I know it may not seem like that big of a deal but everyone is different and for me, it works. It is just one more way I am flushing the "toxins" out of my body. Just one more way I am learning to live with abandon.
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