Thursday, October 31, 2013

Random Thursday - Minute Clinic Remix and Disney on Ice

Yes, that's right, I recently had to make yet another trip to the minute clinic. And guess what for? Strep throat. The second time I have had it in 2 1/2 weeks. Is that even possible you ask?? Well, I am here to tell you, it is! Apparently it is really important to change out your toothbrush after you have had step throat. Told you I'm a natural blonde. It is easy to remember to do things when you are taking care of your child but when it's for yourself, how easily we forget!

So yes, I suffered another round of strep throat and it was just as miserable as the last time. Maybe a little worse because I was actually physically sick this time. Good times! Of course this meant another wonderful trip to the minute clinic. I knew how things worked this time around so we arrived 30 minutes before they opened to ensure that I was the first person in line. Well, when they FINALLY called me back, I was still the first and ONLY person in line. Just my luck - go figure. Once again the nurse practioner was wonderful but bless her heart. Oh bless her heart. As I am sitting there with a mixture of sandpaper and nails in my throat and feeling only moments away from death....she slides this bad boy over to me.

I glance at it long enough to tell her a 10 - it hurts like a 10 was all I could muster out. I wanted to use a few other choice words to tell her how it feels however I refrained. She then sweetly tells me that if it was a 10, I would be writhing in the floor with pain. Oh really?! Well considering that you have on your mask and all, I was concerned that may be a bit too much for you. However, I am more than happy to do it if that will help move things along a bit quicker. Again, I refrained and instead told her it was a 9.5 then. I think she got the point.

Hopefully, I am fully recovered once and for all! While our weekend trip to the pumpkin patch was derailed by the strep throat remix, we were able to squeeze in Disney on Ice - Princesses and Heros before I crashed. We had a great time!

 Girls night and Nana even got to come in town and go with  us!!

Sophie (A.K.A. - Minnie Mouse) was VERY concerned about how the princesses and princes walked up and down the stairs with their skates on.
Let's get this show or should I say ice on the road?! Bahaha - sorry, bad joke.

Nana even snagged a tinkerbell snow cone for Sophie bug. As you can tell, it was slightly tricky figuring out the best angle to enjoy it but proving she is my daughter, she stuck with it not wanting to let one inch go to waste. That's my girl!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Random Thursday - Straight Jacket, Identity, and Open Doors

1) I feel guilty for taking so long to share my celebration of our TENNESSEE VOLS WINNING LAST SATURDAY AGAINST SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!!!!! It was a thing of pure beauty. Jeff and I were chest bumping each other, cheering, crying, screaming, and I may or may not have even peed a little in my pants from all the excitement! If you have had a child - you feel my pain otherwise, don't judge! 

2) It has been cold this week and is only getting colder and when I say cold, I mean freezing. I am hoping we get some Fall temperatures back to enjoy before going straight into winter. However, the cold weather this morning did bring me to the realization that I currently have a strong dislike for my coat situation and really just coats in general. I know there are lots of super cute coats out there but sometimes they just make me feel like I am in a straight jacket and all I want to do is rip it off!

2) Last week I had mentioned that I was on the hunt for a pair of tan bootie boots and guess what - I found them! I litterly looked everywhere and finally found some at Rack Room - go figure!

They appear darker in the picture then they actually are but I am so pleased with them!!
3) I recently heard a praise leader share something that had been told to him from one of our pastors -

"How are you known in heaven? That is your true identity."

Now that is powerful and something wonderful to think about every morning as you start your day!

4) I am really excited to see the movie "God's NOT Dead" coming to theaters in Spring 2014! The movie is about "faith and the limits one young man will go to to defend his belief in God." To read more about the movie be sure to visit the website by Clicking Here. The website also has the official movie trailer on their home page or you can view it by Clicking Here .   

5) As I patiently wait on God to open the doors for my next steps, I have randomly come across multiple reminders from him this week that he loves me and is always taking care of me -

Our Father is always looking for ways to speak to us and I just pray that my heart is always open to receiving these messages and being able to appreciate those little signs and moments!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Creative Date Nights

I always love a good date night!! Of course, they are fewer and far between now a days but we still love them! However, we do sometimes grow tired of doing the same thing - dinner and a movie. Maybe you don't have trouble getting creative with your date nights but we do which is why I love this article "10 Creative Date Ideas". We sometimes have a hard time thinking outside the box and they offer some great suggestions. 

1) Hit the Water! They suggest doing something in or around the water. On our honeymoon, I wanted to try paddling around in the ocean on this cute little boat but Jeff only made it about 10 minutes (at the longest) before talking about how uncomfortable he was. In all fairness, a little boat and a 6'5, 240 lb. guy is probably not the best combination.....for either of us! 

2) Game Night! Any type of games - board games, card games, whatever. Jeff and I are super competitive so I love this idea and maybe add a little bottle of wine to the mix....?! This could be a great idea for a date night "in".

3) A Little Sportsmanship! We spent a recent anniversary (after a nice dinner of course) playing/competing in a round of miniature golf followed by the batting cages and go-carts. It was not romantic but we still talk about how much fun we had that night!

4) Service Project! I like this idea more when doing it with Sophie and making it more of a family thing. 

5) Library/Bookstore Date! I love to read so I always enjoy a trip to the bookstore. However, Jeff is not so much of a reader but does love the sports magazine section at the bookstore so we could make this work. 

6) Hands on Date! Well of course you should be "hands on" with your date night...that is part of the fun! However, they are actually suggesting taking a class of some sort together. I know the painting classes are really popular right now but we have been wanting to try a cooking class together. I have always heard that cooking together is romantic and let's be honest - what can be more romantic then not having to clean up a kitchen after you cook? Heck, that will get me going everytime!

7) Window Shopping!  I am not sure why but I LOVE running errands and window-shopping with Jeff. However, this could possibly be one of his worst nightmares...or at least top five. For us a creative spin would maybe be to do this downtown around the holidays so we can browse the holiday window displays while sipping a nice warm cup of hot chocolate.

8) A Restaurant Hop! Jeff and I both love this idea and have always wanted to do it!! To be very honest the only reason we haven't is because once we get to a restaurant, we don't want to have to get up again so soon to leave. It is just so nice to be able to sit down and relax while having a meal that we don't want to have to get up and move again. I think anyone with a small child can relate to this feeling!

9) Photo Opp! Not a huge fan of this one just because I don't think that it really sounds all that great. In theory - yes, in reality - no. I can just see it leading to an argument because everytime I go to take a picture my memory is full on my iphone and then I have to go back and decide which pictures I am ok with deleting and was that enough to now take this picture?! Patience can wear thin during these moments - for everyone.

10) Picnic! Of course I love this because I am am a hopeless romantic. If you can do your picnic by water, even better! This is a must! 

If you want to read the more detailed version of "10 Creative Date Nights", click here.

Have fun!!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Boo to You

Happy Halloween!
I have always enjoyed Halloween! Any excuse to dress up and eat excessively large amounts of candy is A Ok in my book!

 I love fixing "spooky" treats for Sophie's little Halloween parties at school. It's fun to get creative and let's be honest, it really doesn't take to much to impress a classroom of 4 year olds so I am taking full advantage of it while I can!

I made the Mummy Juice Boxes/Scary Sippers for Sophie's class last year and they were a huge hit! They did take a bit more tape and time then I originally thought but were well worth it!

Mummy Juice Box/Scary Sipper

This year for Sophie's school Halloween party, I signed up for a dessert so I am going to try to tackle Oreo Truffle Cake Ghosts.

I love making truffles and they are always so yummy so hopefully these will turn out as well!

Oreo Truffle Cake Ghosts
I have also added Hot Dog Mummies to the menu for dinner one night this week.
Aren't they so cute?!

Hot Dog Mummies


Monday, October 21, 2013

Mommy Monday - It's Raining Babies

We had such a fun weekend celebrating some beautiful mommies to be and their babies!

My baby sister and brother-in-law had their very first baby shower this weekend which was hosted by some precious friends who did such an AMAZING job with everything!!

My brother-in-law Josh, shared with me that his most favorite day of the week for my blog is Wifey Wednesday. With that in mind, I hope he is not sitting at his desk at work reading this in complete and total devestation that he made Mommy Monday instead. Sorry to disappoint you Cow (the name which Sophie obviously pulled out of thin air and has called him ever since)!

Considering my sister goes by May May and Josh goes by Cow, I am so nervous as what name these precious babies will choose for their Aunt Nicole. And seriously, would you look at my sister's belly?! Are you kidding me? She looks incredible and barely pregnant! She is 20 weeks with twins and I was her size at 14 weeks with one! I am so jealous/happy for her!

These are some very special friends and for the most part, we have all known each other since the day we were born. Tracy (far right) is one of my very best friends. Our families spend alot of time together and our little girls are best friends now as well. Her mom even made the bedding for my brother and sisters nurseries when they were babies. Yeah, I told you we went far back! Her little sister is one of the sweet hostesses of my sister's baby shower and is also pregnant with her first baby!! Such a special blessing from God that we have been able to share so many of life's milestones together.

BFF - just like their mommies!

Virtually impossible to get a good picture of anyone in our family without one of us photobombing in the background (my sister-in-law) and the another one striking some silly pose (thanks Daddy)! Gigi and Poppy still look great though!

Speaking of beautiful pregnant women, Mom and I had such a fun time this weekend road tripping to Atlanta for one my closest friends baby sprinkle (since this is her second baby, they decided to do a sprinkle instead of a shower - don't you just love that?!). She has always looked so beautiful pregnant and really does have that "glow"!

I always love every second I get to spend with her and also having some quality time alone with my mama to talk, even if it was in the car, is always needed!

Such a special weekend celebrating all of these little blessings from God!

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."
Psalm 127:3

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fabulous Friday - Random Rambling


After a very long process (not always the best idea to "do it yourself" to save money) our fence is finally complete. I know you must now be breathing a sigh of relief because you were tossing and turning every night concerned with the completion status of our fence. Just to put your mind at ease - 

She's a beauty!

I swear I would have no clue what it is like to be able to walk in and out of places without my circulation being challenged on my hands, wrists, and arms from all the "stuff" I am carrying. However, I am inspired by this picture because I have never before considered my head as a possible option for storage so a whole new world has now been opened to me!

One of my sweet friends from bible study shared with us an awesome website called SheReadsTruth. You can sign up to have daily devotionals sent to you and they are amazing! I just signed up last weekend and am already loving it!! Be sure to check it out!

My mission for this Fall/Winter is to find some super fab tan booties. I am still obsessed with my signature booties from last year, compliments of Target.

I tried to find them in tan for this year, since they had them last year, and no such luck!! Complete and total devestation! These just spoke to me so I have my ears open this year in order to be able to hear/find some tan ones that speak to me and want to come home and live in my closet!

Happy Friday!

Have a fabulous Fall weekend!!


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Random Thursday - I Heart Jake Ryan

During ESPN gameday last Saturday, I over heard the announcers referencing a linebacker from Michigan named Jake Ryan. WHAT?!?! Are you kidding me? Seriously?! Somone with the last name of Ryan actually chose to name their child Jake Ryan from the infamous Molly Ringwald cult classic 80's movie Sixteen Candles??!

That is the most awesome thing I have ever heard! Can you even imagine how cool it would be if you were dating him - not the movie Jake Ryan (although the pure awesomeness of that is not lost on me either) but the real Michigan football player Jake Ryan?! I would totally purchase an "I Heart Jake Ryan" tshirt to wear to the football games because I would the best girlfriend ever and the irony of the situation would not be lost on me! 

And then maybe I could even convince my real life Jake Ryan to pick me up from class one day while striking this pose as he waited for me.   

Can you even imgine?!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Preparation

 In recent months I have felt a distinct tug on my heart to get prepared. Pay off lingering debt, finish projects around the house, and wrap up shop by the end of the year. Logically, I am sure your next question would obviously be, get ready for what? Ironically enough, I have the same question.

Luckily, I have the answer to an even more important question which would be where is all this coming from? The tugging on my heart, the uncertainty in my career, the extreme desire and hunger to do more for God's Kingdom can only be coming from one place and that is our Lord and Savior! This is the one thing I do know for certain and at the end of the day it makes things alot easier because suddenly I am not concerned with the other great big question marks in my life. I take comfort in knowing that all of this, including the great big question marks, are all directly from him because he is doing something. He is preparing me for a path. He is preparing me to become an even more faithful servant and follower of his Grace and Glory because God is always at work for us! 

I feel so certain of this unforeseen path that it actually sometimes scares me. What if there is nothing big or huge he is wanting me to do? What if there is not some huge sacrifice that he wants me to make? As my Dad has always told me, I could "what if" myself to death and I am learning that this is how the enemy attacks me. I have become much stronger in so many other areas that this one where he knows he can nip away. The enemy just chips away little by little hoping to eventually crumble my faith and certainty of God's plan for me. I am learning that the sacrifice he wants me to make may not be with my job or the path may not be something that necessarily involves my day to day life but there is something there. Something is happening!

Through this journey - I have had such amazing support from my hubby! I am a very black/white/grey person while Jeff has a tendency to be very black and white. While this is often the cause of many arguments, it has recently become the foundation behind much of his support. For Jeff, his support of me is easy and unconditional. He supports me because he knows that whatever is going on and whatever happens is from God. Therefore, God will provide. God will take care of it and us and will provide for our family no matter what I am being called to do or not do because that is his plan for us. To Jeff it is as plain and simple as that. This is something very reassuring to hear when there are times that I am scared. Scared of the unknown and scared that we all might be living in a van down by the river if my contract at work expires and I don't have a job.     

Not sure if you remember this skit from Saturday Night Live with Chris Farley about living in a van down by the river but as you can tell - one of my favorites. It's a classic!
This about the time time that my Heavenly Father reaches down and gently reminds me -
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you , plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Now how can anyone argue with that kind of promise?! 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Crock Pot Ravoli Casserole

Crock Pot Ravoli Casserole because that's whats for dinner!
Another yummy success!

Enough said!

Mommy Monday - Not So Much A Minute Clinic

So yeah, I have been sick with strep throat the past few days. Jealous?

Let me just tell you, strep throat as an adult is no joke. I had a fever and everything and it's most certainly the real deal and don't let anyone ever tell you different. In the 12 years that Jeff and I have been together, I have never had a  fever - ever! I was chillin like a villian with this thing, huge blisters on my throat, couldn't talk (I am sure the highlight for Jeff), couldn't move - I was dead to the world.

I have horrible allergies so I am used to often times having a sore throat, itchy eyes, the usual stuff so when my sore throat gradually started getting worse, I really did not think too much about it. Then the fever began and it was all downhill from there. I had no choice but to to drag myself to the CVS Minute Clinic because I knew things were bad and I need something ASAP. And when I say drag myself, I mean I really had to actually drag myself. You know I have fallen on bad times when I leave my house with dirty hair, no makeup, and could care less. 

While the doctor at the minute clinic was beyond wonderful, the whole minute clinic name is most certainly not so wonderful or accurate! It took much longer then a minute and while I am sure that is not too shocking to you, in my extreme sickly state, I was banking on that minute. You can imagine my dispair when I arrived and realized I was the third person in line. Through my fog I remember hearing the other people laugh and chit chat as they waited and even as they were being seen by the doctor. As I lay in the fetal position on some germ infested plastic waiting room chairs. I had a vision of ripping into the exam room, and by ripping I mean crawling in there in tears, and telling them that since they were having such a grand 'ole time, would they mind waiting for a few minutes while the doctor checked me out because I was actually sick and not there to exchange best friend necklaces. 

 This is when I realized that it was time to call in the big guns. I started blowing up my Mom's phone telling her that I needed her and she had to get there asap because I was dying and someone would have to come claim my body since no one would recognize it with the greasy hair and no makeup! Bad times I tell you!  Besides, no matter how old you are, when you are that sick all you want is your mama!

By this point, I had changed seats so that I was sitting closer to the bathroom since now I was also feeling extremely nauseous. I was looking for an obstacle free straight shot to the bathroom since I was quickly realizing this was about to become a reality. I reasoned that worse case if I could not make it to the bathroom, at least I could throw up in the hallway and it would be somewhat hidden from everyone because by george I was getting in to see this doctor and would not miss my turn. Then I began to pray and that is when the doors of heaven opened, otherwise known as the exam room doors, and they called my name.

As I left the exam room with prescriptions and instructions in hand, the door opened and there my precious mama sat. I swear there was a heavenly glow around her in that moment and I just about started crying. My mama was there to take care of me and take me home....from a distance though because, as she told me, she didn't want catch this thing either. Luckily I also had a wonderful hubby to take care of me while I recovered from the depths of dispair. 

My one bright spot in all of this is that I lost 5 pounds! Perfectly in accordance with one of my most favorite movie lines ever in "The Devil Wears Prada" - "I am one stomach flu away from my goal weight".   

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Two Important Lessons

In recent months I feel as though Jeff and I have learned two very important lessons through our devotional time that have significantly strengthened our marriage.  

The first thing we have learned is to focus on the problem and not the person. I know this sounds like a simple thing to do but at least for us, easier said then done. In the heat of the moment it is often very easy to get carried away with what may be nagging at us. Then, rather then addressing the problem, we will often start attacking the person and then we all know how that ends....generally, not well. So, rather then getting caught up in the heat of an argument we have been trying to do a better of taking a time out to focus on the problem. 

Secondly, we have learned the rule of three - Pray God will change me, Pray for my spouse, Pray with my spouse. I have been trying to do a better job of praying for myself before I need to talk with Jeff about something. I pray that I will handle the situation in an appropriate manner rather then lashing out because I do not like the reaction I am receiving from him. This has allowed me to be better equipped for important decisions we may be making together. It has given me a sense of calm. And most importantly, we have tried to do a better job of praying together. As always, there is so much power in prayer and when two people who love each other and have committed their lives to each other come together in prayer with God at the center, anything is possible! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Happy Fall Ya'll

Happy Fall Ya'll!
I know that term is over used but ya know what - I am from the South and I just can't help it! I love it! FINALLY some cool and crisp temperatures are happening around here which can only mean one thing. It's time to whip out the special Fall recipes where pumpkin is always the key ingredient.
I made this crock pot pumpkin bread all last Fall and it was just as yummy as it was easy.
I have not yet tried this recipe for Pumpkin Snickerdoodles so you better believe it will be happening this weekend!
Happy Fall Y'all!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mommy Monday - Shopping and Hot Water

The weekend started with off such promise! Sophie and I decided to do a little Fall shopping since Daddy was working late. I truly do not know a better way to start off the weekend then by spending the money that was deposited into my account less then 12 hours ago. More importantly though, let me just tell you, my girl is a shopper!!

First, she just had to try on one my mommy's pretty work dresses befure we hit the mall!

Once at the mall, she wanted to "model" everything to see how she looked.

Sophie loves the glitter and sparkles. For some crazy reason I feel as though these two loves may cause us problems with her clothing selection during the teen years. Can't wait. However, for now it is still cute and fun but not quite cute and fun enough to actually buy the hat.

We did purchase a cute grey pair of fringe boots!

However, being the good little shopper that she is, she wanted to try on ALL possible shoe options. Afterall, a  lady can never have too many shoes. 

We had not even been home from shopping for an hour when out of nowhere Sophie was hit with a horrible fever. Looking back, I realize that maybe it happened in that moment when she was completely laid out on the carpeted floor of the department store. Probably a long shot because I am sure those floors are super clean but maybe that is when she picked something up.....

The good news is that there were alot of great football games on Saturday hunckered down, relaxed, and enjoyed the day while taking care of our sick Sophie Bug.

Bad news, our Vols lost....and it was heartbreaking!!! They played such a tough game against Georgia and we had them until those final few plays as so often happens in the big games. However, we are rebuilding our program play by play, game by game, brick by brick and after what we saw on Saturday, it is obvious that our spark has been reignited. We will be back on top again and its only a matter of time.

In the meantime, after those devestating losses, you can find my hubby sitting in the dark on the front porch contemplating life and it's true meaning with our TN Vols. 

He would so kill me for this picture but as I always say, that's what he gets for never reading my blog! In all fairness though, I may have also gotten a little out of control myself and have been "that" person continously posting on facebook about the game or "that" person tweeting things which were then followed by a disturbing amount of hashtags. Ok yeah, so I guess maybe I could have used a "timeout" on the front porch as well.  

Luckily, this Sunday was the week for our bible study group to meet. There is a never a better way to end my weekend and start my week then by sharing, learning, and growing with this group of amazing women. I have no doubt that God brought us all together to grow in fellowship and offer support. The impact that our little group has had on each of us is such a blessing.To be witness to the amazing things God is doing in each of our lives and how he is connecting us, there are no words. Weeks of praying for one another for specific requests and then seeing those prayers answered - there is nothing more powerful! If you are not already part of women's bible study group, large or small, find one! It is truly such a gift when we can come together as women to share our love for Jesus Christ along with our daily struggles and celebrations.

And finally, my weekend ended with this beautiful sight -    

Oh yes my friend. That would a quiet, candlit bathtub filled to the brim with soothing warm water. It's a beautiful thing isn't it? Even if I was in the midst of all Sophie's bath toys. Which by the way, Bath Time baby doll does not look to friendly under the flicker of a candle. She actually looked pretty creepy as she sat in the corner naked and staring at me as I tried to relax and read my book. And yes, rather than a relaxing glass of wine, that would be a jug of water next to my candle. I have a bit of a reputation for taking CRAZY hot baths and CRAZY hot showers. That is just how I like it - hence the water instead of wine. When I was younger and still lived at home, I would take such hot showers that it was regular occurance for the steam from my shower to set off the fire alarm located right outside our bathroom door. Like totally and completely normal occurance.  

One time my father in law once whispered to my husband - does she have feeling in her back? Apparently when I stood from sitting in front of the fireplace at his house, he caught a glimpse of my back which was beet red. I appreciate the fact that he whispered it to him after I left the room as though I had been carrying the burden of a horrible and dreadful disease that I had never shared with anyone other then Jeff. Point being, I like me some hot water! 

Now I am completely off topic and it is virtually impossible to find a way to tie it all back together and end this post. Sorry! 

Have a great day!!  


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Random Thursday - Gladiators

1) I have been shopping for Fall clothes lately and had a recent revelation. Have you ever noticed how the manequins always look perfect in their clothes? Besides the fact that they are a size negative 0, all their outfits are clipped in the back so everything is fitted and hangs just right! That is so not fair because then there I stand in the dressing room driving myself crazy wondering why it just does not look the same on me. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I am not a size 0. I am a size 2 so really there is not that much difference.....insert sarcasam here.

2) Have you been watching the new show "Blacklist" with James Spader?

If not, then stop whatever you are doing right now. the like the wind to your DVR and record this new show. It is amazing and I am obsessed. Of course I have always liked James Spader from his "Pretty In Pink" days.

However, now I love him! With this new show, you can't really decide if he is a bad guy or good guy but regardless he has a way of making you love him! Plus, I have always wanted to be a C.I.A. Sidney Bristow type of chick. Remember how awesome she was in the show Alias?! 

3) While I am on track to sound like a crazy TV watching junkie, let me move on to "Scandal". There are no words for the pure awesomeness that is this show. I was a late bloomer to joining this train but am now fully invested. In recent weeks, I have watched every single episode (thank you netflix) and am finally all caught up. 

In fact, I have been watching so many episodes that recently I started getting Olivia Pope and her group of gladiators confused with real people. For example, as I was cooking dinner the other night I was listening to the news. Of course they were talking about the government shutdown and all I remember thinking is - well, if they would just call Olivia Pope and let her take care of things, all will end well. This may have happened a few other times as well but I will keep those to myself. 

Regardless though, as you are running like the wind to your DVR, add "Scandal" to your list.

4) Just a few sweet pictures of my girl that I just had to share.

We recently received our small holiday catalog from Toys R Us. Sophie always loves to going through it and circling all of the toys she would like to place on her Christmas list. I am not even kidding when I tell that this child spent one solid hour just like this -

She was taking it very seriously. It was like she was studying for a final exam.

As I was getting ready to leave for work one morning this week, I noticed this pair of precious little purple Dora house shoes strategically placed right next to mine. MELT my heart!

This poor child is so ready for a little brother or sister. I guess she has given up on Mommy and Daddy so she just decided to take matters into her own hands.

Little sister (a.k.a Hello Kitty) joined us at the table for dinner this week. I also had to settle arguments between the both of them and set both in timeout on multiple occasions?!?! No kidding!

All in due time my girl!
And no, I am not trying to send a secret message. Just sharing my daily random thoughts!  


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Crockpot Success

I am rocking and rolling with these crockpot recipes recently!!!

Last week I had shared two recipes in my Tummy Tuesday, Newbies post - Crockpot Root Beer Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches and Stove Top Stuffing Meatloaf, both of which I had not yet tried.

I am now here to testify that YOU MUST PUT THEM ON YOUR DINNER LIST! They were both amazing and so crazy easy!! They were so great that they have now made our regular dinner rotation and let me just tell you, that is not an easy thing to do!

As for this week, yet another amazing crockpot recipe. Now that I am no longer burning all of our crockpot meals, since I realized I needed to just add more water to them (blonde moment), I am having much more success!

It did end up being just a tiny bit more complicated then I originally thought but, still delicious and totally worth it.
