The weather was rainy and dreary on Saturday so it was a perfect day for some Spring Cleaning and organizing. I am not even kidding, there is nothing better than the feeling of a freshly purged and organized home! I really do not know why but it is truly such a natural high!
Yes, I am living the dream people - don't hate!
First came the attic.
We had to shift and make room for the goodies that were coming up from the basement, which we hope to complete soon. And let me just tell you - I made magic happen up there in that attic people. It was like one gigantic game of Tetris and I was the master! Trying to get those tupperware bins organized and stacked together just right so we could make room for another bin was exhilarating! I kid you not, I was in hog heaven. I was so proud of myself and did not hesitate to share my exhuberance with Jeff. I proudly told him that if this were an Olympic sport, I would most certainly take the Gold! Yeah, I could tell he was totally turned on....insert saracasm here.
Next came Sophie's room.
We and by we I mean me, reorganized Sophie's closet and drawers - thanks Pinterest! I had litterly saved every single picture or activity sheet she had done since she started Mother's Day the age of one. And now she is 4 1/2 and in Preschool. You can only imagine the papers! When I shared this information once with a fellow mama (who was on her third child) she told me that the day would come where I would be ready to "clean out" all those papers which were now spilling out of the tupperware bin. Saturday was the day! We had some fun going through them all and selecting certain special ones to keep in our forever box - which is still a pretty good size box!
Hey, I am hoarder when it comes to my best little step at a time!
All in all - a wild and crazy weekend in the Easterday household!
And in another news totally unrelated to my party weekend....another natural high -
Are these sweet baby angels not two of the most precious and beautiful things you have ever seen?? OMG - those tiny feet, chunky cheeks, little hands and bellies - I could just eat them up!! I am one proud Aunt Coco!! Such an incredible blessing loving on them and being reminded of how pure God's love is for us and what perfect little gifts he has given our family to love!!
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