Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tummy Tuesday - My Week of Fasting

We finally started our new bible study that I have been raving about for weeks now - "The 7 Experiment" by Jen Hatmaker.  

The study shares how excessively we live every single day and how this has become such a norm that we do not even recognize it anymore. The excessive lifestyle is broken down into 7 specific catagories of clothes, spending, waste, food, possessions, media, and stress. Each week focuses on a specific catatgory in which you fast. Famous last words but I am looking forward to this journey! I am excited for my head and heart to be cleared of all of the unnecessary "stuff" that blocks me from being able to hear my heavenly Father when he speaks to me.
One of my favorite things about the study is that it truly recognizes how each person is on their own path and walk with our Lord. Each week of fasting she offers suggestions on different ways to fast within that catagory. She encourages you to really pray over how and what you will be fasting from during the next week. On this journey, my goal is to "feel the burn". If I am not feeling the burn then I am not being challenged and therefore not sacrificing enough. Burn baby burn!
Jeff has been interested in this study as well and has decided to join me in fasting. How encouraging! Let's just hope it doesn't drive us to divorce court! Our first fast is food and will begin this Saturday which is great timing considering that over the holidays, I ate anything that was not moving....and yesterday....and today. We have decided for our food fast over the next week we will drink only, no sugar, no eating out, and will cut our weekly grocery cost in half from $150 to $75. For us, this hurts....just as it should. All of this being said, there is a good possibility that we will eat out on Friday evening and order everything on the menu!
I loved what one of my friends suggested during our recent study that anytime she felt discouraged or missed what she was fasting from, she would pray! What an incredible idea!
I am excited to share this journey and even more excited to hear my Heavenly Father in a way I never have before! Wish us luck! 

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