Thursday, June 27, 2013

Random Thursdsay - A Busted Biscuit Kind Of Day

Today would most certainly have been a busted biscuit day!

1) This morning (I write my blog at night and then post the next day) was one of those mornings where I thought that God really did not want me to leave the house because something bad was going to happen. First, Jeff and I had a scheduling conflict with who would drop Sophie off at my parents house. Then, of course, my skirt for work needed to be ironed. Could not find my car keys. As I was preparing our crock pot meal for tonight, I dumped all the ingredients into the crock instead of the pot. The frozen chicken was so frozen that I thought it must have been buried in the snow in Antarctica for the past two years. The plastic would not come off so I had to place it in the microwave to dethaw. Oh and then wouldn't you know that the recipe first calls for the soup/cream cheese to be warmed on the stove before it is placed over the chicken in the crock pot. And then I started laughing because what else was there to do at this point?! Didn't my devotional say something this morning about noticing God in the small things and thanking him??!

2) A few posts ago, I was sharing about two of my priority summer reads that I recently purchased at Barnes and Noble -

Green Sparkly Earrings By Melanie Shankle

I just finished Sparkly Green Earrings and WOW!!! Love, Love, Loved it!! One of those books where you really laugh out loud at the things only a mama can understand. And then you breath a sign of relief because you think - "Whew, I am not the Only One. Thank Goodness!" If you are looking for a fun and easy summer read GET IT NOW through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Lifeway Christian Bookstore.

One of my favorite quotes from the book - "I have decided there is really no better indictor that you're a mother than acquiring the ability to catch throw-up in a plastic bag, disinfect your hands, and immediately ask your friend to pass the beef jerky as you put on another Taylor Swift song and act as if nothing happened."

I will be starting A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet By Sophie Hudson this weekend and can't wait! Yes, I am aware that I confess this at the expensive of sounding like I have no social skills whatsoever but I do not even care! A good book, warm bath, and glass of wine are calling my name!  

3) As you may know from reading previous posts, we recently lost our 4 legged fur baby - Bella, our family cat. Our hearts broke as it happened very suddenly and unexpected. This week I received a letter from The University of Tennessee College of Veterninary Medicine stating that our local Animal Hospital, where we had taken Bella for so many years, had made a donation to the Companion Animal Fund in memory of Bella. There are no words - thank you Northgate Animal Hospital!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Therapy Session

You will have to excuse my non-wifey post for a moment. About the only thing connection this post will have with being a wife is the fact as I sit here typing this, I am a wife. That's all I got for you but that should count for something right?

You see, I am just needing to vent and share my journey for a moment. I have learned that sometimes writing and getting my thoughts out serves as a bit of therapy for me. My career is in a very interesting place right now - limbo land. Limbo land is not a good place for anything, anytime, anywhere. Often the state of limbo is what will drive you the most crazy and yet here I am.

My most recent devotional was about seeing God in the little things that happen every day. I think it is important to see him in everything but often those little things are what we miss. I am so incredibly thankful for all the blessings God has given me - many of which I am so unworthy! However, sometimes it is hard to battle those human emotions of fear and worry that often accompany a "trial" you are going through in your life.

After seven years in the nonprofit/fundraising/communications/event planning field - I was recruited for a position that I was beyond thrilled to accept. I had worked really hard to work my way up the "food chain" and earn a positive reputation in our community. Then, to actually be recruited for a position - what an honor. I was excited to make the shift and did so with every intention that I would one day retire from this position and facility because there were so many exciting possibilities for all of the years in between. Then, as it often does, life happened and of course politics. While I was recruited by an exceptional group of executives who I am delighted to still call my friends and mentors, a complete restructure of the facility took place. The restructure included massive layoffs starting with the executive team. As it gradually filtered to our office, I knew my name was on the chopping block because not only was I recruited by a team who was no longer in place but I was also the most recently hired team member in our office. Around the same time, a great friend (who knew what was going on) contacted me regarding a communications position that her company had just created and needed to fill asap. Well wouldn't you know - I was getting ready to need a job! The only catch is that it was a contractor position which translates to temporary but I was not worried. God had provided this great opporotunity for me right when I needed it and I knew he would provide again. Fast forward to present day - my contract expires October in a few months away.

Over the course of the past year, I have gained so much experience and learned so many new things. Wonderful attributes I am happy to add to my resume. I have also learned alot about myself and what I want out of my career and this unexpected path God has taking me on. You see, it always seems to happen in the midst of a trial, I stress and worry and never fully and completely turn it over to God. Then, after it is all said and done, I look back thinking - Man, God is so good and totally provided for me. I should have just completely let go of it all along....just as he is always asking me to do. However, this time around, I made it a point to let "Jesus take the wheel". I am just sitting in the backseat and trying not to be too much of a backseat driver.

Over the past year and a half my relationship with God has strengthened, deepened, and become more intimate in a way I had only ever heard about. I have a desire to do more for him and am praying everyday that he will show me the way and how I can better serve him and minister about his love. Who knows, maybe that will be through my next position or maybe not. Or maybe my next position will open up a door to begin the journey of doing more work for him. Who knows?! Well, God does but right now he is the only one. So, as the fear of the unknown and "what if's" try to creep in and crowd my mind, I am going to choose to beat them off with a bat because I trust in his divine plan for me! I have a saying hanging on my office wall that pretty much sums it up - 

"Good Morning! This is God, I will be handling all of your problems today. I will not need your help. So, relax and have a great day!" 


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Meat and Potatoes Type of Gal

I am a southern girl born and bred and there is nothing I love more then some good 'ole southern food - meat and potatoes!  Nothing can really beat a meal of homemade meatloaf, homemade mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and rolls! That would most certainly be one my tops requests for a "last meal". 

Let's start with the meatloaf. This has to be homemade - no other option. I love ketchup on my meatloaf and a few other random things as well such as steak (I know I am horrible, Jeff reminds me of it) and especially scrambled eggs. Hey, don't knock it until you have tried it! Needless to say, this Ketchup-Glazed Meatloaf is right up my ally and so good! We usually have enough leftover for Jeff to have a meatloaf sandwich the next day too.

Homemade Mashed Potatoes - YES PLEASE!!! My daddy makes the very best mashed potatoes ever known to man!! After many years of practice, I am now proud to boast that my batches aren't too shabby either. However, they are still not as good as Daddy's! As for this recipe - it pretty much ends up being measurments to your own personal taste and preference.

For the three of us, we usually use 3-4 potatoes, depending on leftover requests. If your like me, I certainly do not care for the peel so we peel those bad boys. Slice them up to allow for quicker cooking and drop them on the stove to boil. About 20 minutes later you should be ready to roll. Place the potatoes in a mixer along with milk, butter, salt, and pepper. Now, if you like your potatoes thick - go light on the milk, maybe just 1/4 of a cup. Just call me Paula Dean with the amount of butter we use and I will leave at that. Litterly tablespoons of butter as I mix it all together until I get it tasting just right. Same with salt and pepper as well. My newest addition is the sour cream. Holy cow - this totally sets them off just right. Mix in the sour cream, again to taste. The great thing is that as you are mixing, you can just add in all of the other ingredients (besides milk, unless you like your potatoes a bit runny) to taste. FYI - too much sour cream will have the same affect as the milk and cause them to be a bit runny.

Now, considering I just rocked two homemade items, I am A-OK with making the rest from a box. I earned my free pass right?! At our house we love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and Sister Schubert Rolls. Seriously, if you have not had these rolls you must get them - NOW!! They taste just like the homemade rolls my grandma used to make. Ok, I know that sounds like a commercial but seriously, they do!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Mommy Monday - Best Mommy Night Out Ever!!

My life will now and forever more be referred to as "Before NKOTB" and "After NKOTB".

We started the evening off with room service - which is one of my most favorite things to do when staying at a hotel!! After a long day at work, we had to make sure we had plenty of fuel for the best night ever!

I am not even kidding that between Boyz II Men and NKOTB this was a concert experience in the making for well over 24-25 years...seriously! I was never able to attend when I was younger because we were always traveling with softball. The trifecta of perfection happened and on Thursday evening of last week - it finally went down. And by "went down", I would be referring to me rocking my vintage/throwback NKOTB tshirt while screaming at the top of lungs singing every single song (with goosebumps on my legs from their beauty and magic) and dancing for 3.5 wedges. The next day my legs and body felt as though I had run a marathon! It did make for a long day at work the next day but totally worth it!
When we doing it again?

I loved the sense of camaraderie between all the girls attending. Our eyes would meet while walking through Philips Arena and a smile and nod would acknowledge our respect for one another. We knew this was a special night and we had to make the most of it while our husbands balanced babysitting duties at home with the children.

There are no words to describe the magic! I litterly felt myself at times wanting to cry out in pure joy and happiness and of course the freedom!! Oh the freedom to act a fool! Yes, it is true that we may or may not have contemplated running off to find their tour bus after the concert. However, we thought her pregnant belly may through them off a bit. Instead, we opted to walk back to our hotel and enjoy a good nights rest while we each stretched out in our own bed...alone. Ahhhh - it was a beautiful evening I tell you - just beautiful!

We came, we saw, (we almost left on their tour bus), we conquered!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Random Thursday - To Die For

1) Today is set to be the longest work day ever. After work, I am hopping on a jet plan (not really, just my car) and headed to the ATL to spend time with one my best friends at the NKTOB/Boyz II Men/ 98 Degrees concert. To say I am excited is a wee bit of an understatement!

2) While out shopping with my mom and Sophie over the weekend, I came across a pair of shoes that made me feel something that I have not felt in a long time. Much to my extreme dismay, they did not have them in my size. So of course I did what any normal person would do and sprinted over to the sales clerk, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and in a possessed voice told him I had to have these shoes in a size 9 - where were they?! Ok, so maybe that just happened in my head and in reality I was totally normal about it but regardless, he sensed the urgency. I think he may have been a bit scared to deliver the news that I could only get them online. Needless to say, by 9pm that evening, I was the proud new owner of a pair of Jessica Simpson wedges.

To die for right?!

3) Jeff, Sophie, and I were having dinner last weekend at a Japanese restaurant so there were multiple couples at our table. We were fortunate enough to sit next to a very young and very...hmm, how should I say it....vibrant couple. They had on their wrist bands from where they had been attending the week long music festival that our city has every year. They were no doubt headed that way after dinner based on their attire. Their conversation went a little something like this -

Her: "Oh, my side is hurting so bad."
Him: "Oh baby, I am so sorry (as he proceeds to grope her because of course that will make her side feel better). You know I just cannot stand to see you in pain. You have to go to the doctor."
Her: "Ohhhhh,nooooo! You know I like cannot even stand to like to sit in those doctors offices and wait for like ever!." 

Then I hear -
Sophie: "Mommy, gross!! Why are they kissing so much?! Eww."

Then I wanted to lean over and say to the young girl -
Me: "Don't worry's probably just gas."
But you will be glad to know I didn't.

Then, Jeff and I had one of those conversations with our eyes that you can only have with your spouse after being with together for so long. You know the kind where you never speak a word but yet have said it all? Those are the best kind of conversations and remind me why I love him so much!

Happy Random Thursday!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Time Well Spent

I think one of the most important and healthy things you can do as a married couple is to spend time apart from each other with your friends. This gives you an opportunity to refresh and reenergize. Often times, when I do have time with my girls, by the end of the night I am missing Sophie and my hubby and am reminded of just how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends and family.

For me, spending time with our friends has been one of the harder things to do since having Sophie. Because I am a full time working Mommy, I feel guilty being away from her if I am not at work. I feel as though all of my free time should be spent with Sophie and anything less is just not good enough. Logically I know that this is silly but when you are battling the mommy guilt, it's a tricky thing and will mess with your head! On top of the mommy guilt, it is hard to find time for all of us ladies to hang out together due to busy and conflicting schedules. When it does happen though, it's like magic! We have a blast, wonder why we don't do it more often, and are refreshed to return home to our responsibilities! Sometimes it is nice to be reminded that I am still an individual person and not just a wife and mommy....even though those are two of the titles that I am the most proud of! As hard as it is to make happen, I know that the time away sends me home as a more balanced wife and mommy!

With this in mind, I am so beyond excited to be heading to Atlanta after work tomorrow to attend the New Kids on the Block/Boyz II Men/98 Degrees concert with one of my best friends, Lindsay (I am pushing the mommy guilt down as we speak)! To say that this moment together, with these bands, is the trifecta of perfection....would be a bit of an understatement. I think this occasion will qualify as quality time spent with friends while reminiscing with songs that carried us from elementary through high school.

Now I just have to decide on something to wear that will accurately display my love and affection for them without screaming "restraining order".

Wish us luck!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Pizza and Pork Chops

Mexican Pizza is one of my favorite things to order from Taco Bell since first discovering it when I was in highschool. This recipe for Mexican Pizza really is just as good as the real thing and unlike Taco Bell, is enough for the entire family!

Last week, we tried out this new recipe for pork chops. I would like everyone to take a moment to recognize that they were BETTER then when Jeff had grilled them the week before. Now in all fairness, it had nothing to do with me, it was all the recipe. But I should get some points for finding the recipe and recognizing the potential for deliciousness right? FYI - the picture does not do it justice - I promise it's great!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Monday - Happy Father's Day

"The father of one who is right with God will have much joy.
He who has a wise son will be glad in him."
Proverbs 23:24
How blessed I am to have such a wonderful Daddy!! This man has taught me to so much about what is means to be an amazing father, husband, and just overall good person! There are not enough words or time to express how blessed I am to call him Daddy. I am so very proud to be his daughter!

From the time I was born, this man has been there for me every second, of every moment, of every day. I have always known he loves me unconditionally - no matter what!

He has taught us how to laugh and love and follow God.

He has never missed any activity we have ever been involved with, no matter how big or small. Some of my best memories are of us traveling together for my softball games!! We always had so much fun!

He also has a huge heart. Growing up, I remember countless occasions of him pulling the car over to pick Mom some wildflowers from the side of the road. Or, stopping to help someone who was having car trouble.

At our wedding rehearsal, he told that minister that he would not give me away. Even though he LOVED Jeff, he would never give me away. Therefore, the minister would have to find another way to word it. Something about this made my heart melt because I would never want him to give me away. I will always be his little girl.

While watching our wedding DVD a few weeks later, I learned of an incident that will always be one of my most cherished moments from that special day.
Jeff had really only ask for two major things on our wedding day. He wanted good music and to not see me before the wedding. He insisted that he wanted his first glimpse of me to be as I they opened the church doors and I came down the isle with Daddy.
When this moment did happen, I somehow did not even notice that Jeff was crying.  As my daddy stood in between us at the alter, he ever so discreetley handed Jeff his handkerchief (one of his signatures) out of his pocket. Something about this moment which I was unaware of, touches me so deeply and will until the day I take my last breath.

Loving our Mom unconditionally is perhaps one of the most wonderful gifts my father blessed us with!

Needless to say, the bar and expectations for my future husband were set high. Luckily, God is always in control and blessed my life with the man I now call my husband. I could not have dreamed of a better Daddy to our little girl. He provides for our family and has the most gentle and giving spirit. When I see this big guy sitting behind a doll house playing with barbies or baby dolls, my heart hurts from the intensity of my love for him. He is the best little girl Daddy and can play dress up with the best of them. He is not ashamed of his feelings or to show his love for "his girls". This gift is one that will shape the way Sophie loves and expects to be loved.  

She thinks her Daddy can do anything!

Let me just go ahead and apologize ahead of time to her future husband. Sophie's daddy has set the bar high. Our little girl knows how special she is and will one day have high expectations of how she should be loved and the kind of man she deserves to spend her life with. She will expect you to be a strong man of faith with a love and a passion for God. She will expect you to love her unconditionally and not be afraid to show that love or emotions.
You can thank her Daddy for these high expectations!

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy and to the man my daughter calls Daddy!
We Love You Both So Very Much!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fabulous Friday - Dear 16-year-old Me


I need to have this tattooed on my body! Anyone who knows me knows two cold hard facts - 1) I have a small tendency to be late 2) I do not pack light for anything, anywhere, at any point and time.

In honor of Father's Day this weekend, check out this super cute gift idea!

 I would love to do this for Jeff but not enough time. She does a great job of walking you through the steps however, I am not too craftsy and a project that would normally take someone a few hours would take me a few days.  I am thinking maybe for his birthday in July....and I can start putting it together now so it will be ready on time.

With it being a holiday weekend and summer, I wanted to share this video. I had completely forgotten I still have it but am so happy to have come across it again. "Dear 16-year-old Me" - there are no words! The lack of education for skin cancer and melanoma is pitiful and scary. Through this video, what a powerful way to better educate those that to continue to harm themselves, think Skin Cancer does not kill, or just do not know any better. Regardless, this is a must see video - promise!

"Dear 16-year-old Me"

Dear 16-year-old me, this is where they took the cancer out -

Not the most glamorous picture I have ever taken but I am proud of my scar and the testimony and lessons God taught me through it. What a blessing! And while we are chatting 16 year-old-me, you may also want to rethink the belly ring - trust me! Not such a great long term investment!

Slather the sunscreen on everyone this weekend, including yourself, and enjoy!!!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Random Thursday - TMI

1) If you have not yet seen this sweet video you must check it out by clicking here. It will make you laugh from the pure sweetness of it! A middle school boy drops his cymbal while playing in the school band and makes a hilariously precious recovery!

Cymbal Boy

2) I love the show Nashville and LOVE these little girls. The Stella sisters - Lennon and Maisy, are crazy talented and so young. I only found out recently they are sisters as well and have quite a few youtube videos. I am probably the only person who did not already know this but you must check them out!

Stella Sisters

3) It is too hot! We jumped straight from spring to dead summer heat in a matter of about 24 hours! And to make matters worse, just a warning I am about share a detail that will probably be TMI, I sweat like a man. I am sorry but I had just had to share and to be very honest, it's not like you don't notice it. The days of running a few quick errands during lunch and then coming back to work are over! I have always wanted to be one of those chicks that goes to the gym and never drops a bead of sweat. Nope, not me. I drip sweat just walking from my car to the front door of the gym.

That is all I have - just talking about the heat has zapped me!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - It's Not About the Nail

Last week Jeff and I had a bit of a disagreement. What fueled the fire is that our communiction styles are just so very different - as is the ongoing trials and tribulations of men vs. women. I will admit that I was also stuck in this hamster wheel of our argument and just could not shake it. Suddenly, I realized I needed to just stop and pray. Pray for patience and pray for my blood pressure to lower so I did not stroke out. Only a few minutes later I randomly came across the two pieces below which made me laugh (there by lowering my blood pressure) and think. Isn't God simply amazing? He always knows what we need and when we need it. He ALWAYS provides!

It's Not About the Nail is a hilarious video about just how differently men and women are wired. I swear, it was like looking into my own home! The chick just needs to be blonde and a TV on ESPN in the background and it could have been us.

This second piece is beautifully written! "How I Know I Married the "Wrong" Person" - the title alone was intriguing enough so I had to check it out.

He shares this piece that he has written to his wife on their second wedding anniversary. He speaks about how in today's society and with all the influences around us, we sometimes expect our spouse to be perfect but this is not the reality or how God really intended marriage to be. We must love and forgive just as God does with us every single day.

Maybe it is just me but sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in "life" and the negativity. How easily we sometimes forget what our real focus should be so it's nice to come across a funny video or an article to make you laugh and put your feet back on the ground again. God is good....and so is my hubby!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Easy Eating

I have been obsessed with nachos recently. I know what you are thinking - how does she eat so healthy right?! The craving finally got the best of me and being the wonderful parents that we are, we served Macho Nachos for dinner one evening last week. Sophie was thrilled! Not only were they crazy good but they were also super easy. While this is not a regular occurance at our house, it was nice a change of pace and would be a great appetizer or meal for guests if you were entertaining during football season.

Staying with our theme of healthy food (insert sarcasm here) - Monterey Jack Chicken Quesdillas. Again, super easy and yummy meal for one evening when you do not have alot of time or energy to cook dinner.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Mommy Monday - Carry a Torch

"Never forget the soul-stirring inspiration you are to your child as a parent
who is carrying a torch for the Lord." - John Croyle

Isn't that quote the basis of what is really significant in life? This is very important for me to remember because sometimes that mommy guilt will creep in and get the best of me. All the sudden I will have a rush of emotions and feel as though I am just not doing enough. Did I play with her enough today? Did I listen to her enough today? Did I teach her enough today?

Last week I came across an inspiring article that really spoke to me - "To Parents of Small Children: Let Me Be The One Who Says It Out Loud". As parents in today's age of technology, we are always bombarded with things and people telling you how to be the "perfect" parent. And let's be honest - we all know that does not exist. The only example of perfection is our heavenly Father and his unconditional love for us. That is why we need him, we need our lives to reflect him. My favorite section of the article is below -

"You're an actual parent with limits. You cannot do it all. We all need to admit that one of the casualties specific to our information saturated culture is that we have sky-scraper standards for parenting, where we feel like we're failing horribly if we feed our children chicken nuggets and we let them watch TV in the morning.

One of the reasons we are so exhausted is that we are oversaturated with information about the kind of parents we should be.

So, maybe it's time to stop reading the blogs that tell you how to raise the next president who knows how to read when she's 3 and who cooks, not only eats, her vegetables. Maybe it's time to embrace being the kind of parent who says sorry when you yell. Who models what it's like to take time for yourself. Who asks God to help you to be a better version of the person that you actually are, not for more strength to be an ideal parent."

Makes sense right? If our children see our torch for Jesus Christ and in the process we show them how to love God and teach about his love for us and the importance of a relationship with him, then we have been successful and nothing else matters!

I just have to brag on my friend for a second! My beautiful and brave friend -

This amazing lady shaved her head yesterday to benefit a local fundraiser that was raising money for our Children's Hospital in support of those with childhood cancer. WOW right?! Pretty amazing woman! I love the pink streak she added for some flavor before having it shaved. When you are getting ready to shave it all off anyways, why not have a little fun with it?!

It should be illegal to look this good with a shaved head!!! So incredibly proud of her and her strength!!!

After cheering on our friend and her family, we enjoyed the rest of the day at the market which of course (shocker!) included one of Sophie's new favorite activites, facepainting!! 

By the looks of things - I would say we had a successful day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Fabulous Friday - The Little Mermaid and National Donut Day

This is perhaps one of the most fabulous things I have heard recently. A HS Valedictorian rips up his approved speech and begins to quote the Lord's prayer after the school system had only recently banned prayer. Chill bumps!!! Click here to check it out!

I would also like to tell his parents - job well done!! You must be doing something right. What a proud moment as a parent!!

Shifting gears a bit and in honor of National Donut Day, which is today by the way -

The picture says it all right?!

I have been cleaning out our basement as we prepare to turn it into another den. In the process, I am finding some really awesome and old pictures and keepsakes. For example -

This is a sweet picture and message my little sister made for me who knows how many years ago - at least 20 years ago maybe?! Um...maybe I should not have shared that number. Anyways, it made my heart smile!!! I love how she tells me that I am her favorite sister. True, I may be her only one but who cares!

Have a great weekend!! xoxo