Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Buddy the Elf

Buddy our elf has arrived and let me just tell you something. It is all fun and games anticipating his arrival until he actually appears and then we have to go crazy every night trying to think of creative mischief for him to get into. Then, as always, I find myself comparing Buddy's antics to other elf antic's that I have seen on facebook. Then I begin the fun game of questioning myself - is our "elf" doing enough? Is he living up to the hype?! Geez - this social media beast is sometimes just too much! 

Here is just some of the trouble that our elf has been up to so far - 

He arrived through the chimney with a direct letter from Santa Clause himself! The letter shared with Sophie how important it is to remember that Christmas Day is like one big birthday party for Jesus and to always remember that he is the reason we celebrate. His birth was the greatest present anyone could ever receive! 

We woke up one morning to find Buddy leading a parade through the den!

Roasting marshmellows and making smores with some of his favorite "lady friends".

Most recently, we found him making snow angels on the kitchen counter with our flour!
And we also found remnants of a red velvet cake ball laying nearby...?

Whatever trouble will he get into next? Let's just hope it is not trouble that has been forgotten until 6am that morning....that is the real trouble!

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