Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Christmas Tea Fun

Our church hosts an annual Ladies Christmas Tea which my mom and I attend just about every year. However, this year we decided to get a little wild and crazy and actually host a table of our own. And by we - I am referring to the moral support that I lent Mom while she ran all over creation putting together the perfect table. It's not my fault that the "Martha Stewart" gene skips a generation. Bad news for me but great news for my younger sister.

Every year the effort and design by so many ladies to make their tables look so beautiful is astonishing. I also may or may not have welcomed the praise as people walked by and complimented "our" table. I certainly did not want to be rude and correct them by going through the whole spill about my lack of the "Martha Stewart" gene so instead I just graciously responded with a huge smile and thank you. Don't judge!

Daddy was in charge of packing and unpacking and using his duct tape only with our approval. With how amazing this table looks, you can only imagine her home! Their home looks like something off of a Pinterest board while mine borders between looking like a house shared amongst college roomates who are still tying find their sense of "style" and the inside of Toys R Us...after a tornado has swept through. 

These are the fun favors we left for our friends - prayer journals from Hobby Lobby.

While the ladies decorate tables for the tea, the husbands are asked to act as servers. Daddy especially loved his job because he got to eat pizza during their prep meeting before they began serving. I must admit though that he was a wonderful server! Aren't they just the cutest thing ever?! 

The best part of all about the tea is that we to invite our friends to share the table with us and enjoy the special time together. 

Pardon the dim lighting which results in the fuzzy picture and demon eyes!

The theme for the Christmas Tea this year is "Make Room" - John 10:10. We must remember that even during the busiest time of the year, we must make room for Jesus in our hearts and in our daily lives. We must make the time to walk with him daily, pray him with daily, talk with him daily. He is always there just waiting for us to make room so that he can go to work in our lives through his glory and undying love!  

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