Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Couples Who Play In the Mud Together, Stay Together

We participated in the mud run (benefiting Habitat for Humanity) this past weekend and it was so much fun. It is so incredibly funny how our perspectives changed from pre-race to post-race.

Pre-Race Thoughts -
My brother - I have a bad elbow and have not worked out in forever.
Jeff - I have not worked out in 3 months!
Me - Come on guys! We are all in good shape and it wasn't that hard last year, we can do this!

By the second obstacle (with the start line still in sight), I kid you not, I thought - oh shoot....umm this course is a bit more difficult then last year!

This picture pretty much sums up the entire race, us looking at my brothers back. I do believe I caught him stepping on some people to get through the mud at one point.

I opted for what I like to think of as a more thoughtful approach at tackling the muddy river. I swam with the current. It was actually alot easier then trying to walk through it like last year. 

Yes, another picture that sums up the race!

At the end of the race, we had to climb over this wall. Let me tell you something, as I look at this picture, I realize that the wall does not look but looks can be deceiving - it was a mamma jamma of a wall! The tricky part was not necessarily getting yourself to the top but once you got to the top, how did you get yourself over without losing your balance and falling back down??? It took me two good tries and I have some nasty scrapes and bruises to prove it! Once I got to the top on the second try, I litterly did not know how to get over without falling again. So, I did what any person would do at that moment while hanging from a wall, in the middle of a race, with a ton of muddy people standing behind me waiting their turn, I prayed. I remember reading somewhere that there is no such thing as an unimportant prayer. I decided to test that theory and close my eyes to pray. In what can only be described as an answered prayer - I made it over teh wall! That is certainly the only way it could have happened because my brother was laughing at me too hard to help and Jeff had given up his battle and just walked around the wall. I stood on top and did a victory punch in the air before climbing down. In my mind it was a scene straight out of a movie. In reality I am sure it was a different story but I am choosing to go with the better version!

Jeff must have had dust in his eyes from where I smoked him on the wall!

The End!

Post-Race Thoughts -
My brother - Dude, I smoked that thing and ya'll.
Jeff - I have got to get back in the gym.
Me - You guys may want to step back, I think I'm going to throw up (luckily I didn't)!

Great day and great event!
Can't wait for next year!

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