Monday, September 9, 2013

Mommy Monday - Not a Fan

The dotMOM conference is now only two weeks away (September 20-21) and I am so blessed to be a part of it. The committee has been hard at work for the past year and even though I only came on board in recent months, I feel just as passionate as if I had been involved for the full year.

Chattanooga dotMOM Conference

I am so excited to see what God has in store for the dotMOM weekend. To have this quality weekend to refresh and spend time with other ladies bettering ourselves as women, wives, mothers, and followers of God, is an incredible blessing. We need that support group of other women to help build us up when we are down. To help remind us that we are not the only ones. To share experiences and realize that maybe we are not so crazy after all (or maybe that last part is just for me).

Recently, we began a sermon series at church - "Are you a Fan or a Follower". As easy and comfortable as it is to be a fan, I want to be a follower. Over the past year as my relationship with God has deepened, I have felt a tugging on my heart to do more. I have prayed for direction and prayed for doors to open so this may be possible and its simply amazing how God is placing those opportunities in my path. Through the dotMOM confererence, I have met some amazing women and have also been offered the chance to challenge myself more. Become a follower and not a fan.

Perhaps one of the opportunities I am most excited about is our new bible study group. God had really been laying it on my heart for awhile now to start this group but I just was not sure how to do it. Who do I ask? How do I find people? What if no one is interested? As God does though when you are following his plan, he provided. We now have an amazing group of girls and even though we have only just begun, I am so excited to see the incredible work that God is going to do within our group. It is such a blessing to look around the table and realize how these different chapters in my life have all come together to form this group. Each girl (I feel like I should say lady instead of girl but that just makes me feel old) brings her own experiences to the table and it is simply remarkable to see how they all compliment each other so well. To God be the glory!

I want Sophie to know that her mama is a follower and not a fan. I want to lead by example. I want my girl to know it's okay to be scared because sometimes being a follower means taking the road less traveled and stepping out in blind faith. However, we are never really blind when we have our heavenly Father lighting the path at our feet.


  1. I have started attending a bible study group that started last week and meets every other week. I know we had talked about finding a time for so long. I think, as women, we need each other more than we realize and have to make time for that.

  2. I totally agree!! That time together makes us better wives and better mommies! We are meeting every other week as well and started the study - The Frazzled Female" by Cindi Wood. We thought that with the name alone, it had to be good! haha! :)
