Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Reflection

I recently read that we should be the closest reflection to Jesus that our spouse will ever see. Hmm, not only is that a pretty powerful statement, but it is also incredibly intimidating! You see, Jeff is the only one who ever sees the stripped down and "naked" me. And let me tell you, some days after juggling a million different things in the air, by the time we get around to having our time together, this "naked" me can be an ugly thing. I am tired. I am tired of having on my "game face" for everyone and everything. My body is tired, my mind is tired, and I have nothing left to give. At this point in the evening, I think it is very safe to say that I am not so much reflecting Jesus as I am a tired and worn out hag.

We are all guilty of "taking advantage" of our spouse in this way. It is one of the guilty pleasures of marriage. However, I want to be the reflection of Jesus for my spouse. I want my reflection of Jesus to shine bright like the sun and not be overshadowed by the "clutter"or negativity in life. Those things are distractions brought to us straight from Satan to devalue and diminish our reflection of Jesus and in turn, our relationship with others.

I don't want to be the dark cloud in my husband's life. I want to be his bright spot. I want to be a reflection of Jesus for him each and every day.

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!