Monday, March 25, 2013

Mommy Monday - I'm Back!!

No, I have not already dropped the ball on keeping up with my blog - I promise! Our house has been the house of sickness for the past two years....wait, I meant to say two weeks, sorry! It only felt like two years!

It all began on a very early Monday morning that started off like any other day. However, I noticed that I seemed to be feeling a bit a under the weather. Lucky for me and chalking it up to my SUPER FLY immunity system, it only really lasted for about two days and then I felt back to normal. As I skipped back into work once again thinking about how awesome it is that I NEVER get sick, my girl was in the beginning stages of a double ear infection. So we all know how that ended - fever central by the next day!

Look at those flushed cheeks!! I must admit, as much as I hate having my girl sick, I sooo love the cuddle time!

By Saturday night, Sophie started feeling back to normal again but little did I know it was only the beginning. The next day, I was hit by the Mack Truck of sickness which was traveling at a very high rate of speed. We had just arrived home from church and I remember thinking, "Man, these allergies are out of control today." And I do believe that was the last lucid thought I had until exactly one week later which was yesterday morning.

I am 33 years old and truly cannot remember the last time I felt that horrible and was knocked on my tail for so long. I am not even kidding, I thought I was dying. By about seven every night, I would throw myself on the bed (only after it had taken me all day to muster the strength and energy to move from the couch) while Jeff did bath time with Sophie. I would cry that something must be wrong and I must be dying. I would stare out the window and think that this was it. This was now going to be the rest of my life. This is how it all goes down. I would never feel normal again.  Of course, after my crying episode, what little ability I still had to breath would now be completely gone and I would also be the proud owner of a throbbing headache. My whole body hurt! I could not breath, nasty cough, and constantly felt as though I was on a rocking ship which was beyond horrible! No energy to move or even eat so you know I had fallen on hard times! After finally breaking down and heading to the doctor, I was diagnosed with a double ear infection, sinus infection, and bronchitis. I remember my first thought - "Well, at least I am not crazy or dying, just sick." Being a mama, it takes alot to knock you completely on your tail so when it does, WOWZA!

Sophie and Jeff were very good nurses while I was out of commission. Sophie asked that we take a picture since she was having so much fun taking care of me. You can tell we took the picture at the very beginning of it all because A) I am able to hold the phone to take a picture B) I don't yet look like death and C) I still have that naive look in my eye as to what all is about to go down in the next week. No clue how I will see my life flash, or rock back and forth like a boat, before my very eyes.

Fingers, toes, and everything else crossed that today is our first day out of the cloud of sickness. I welcome back our everyday life and routine with open arms!  

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