Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tummy Tuesday - Wraps and Resurrection

Let me just tell you - after two weeks of being sick and not having an apetite, its finally back! I am someone who LOVES food so its like welcoming back an old friend.

As we all know in our house with two working parents we are all about quick, easy, and yummy recipes.Grilled Cheeseburger Wraps is one of our favorite go-to meals!

We usually pair some Mac N Cheese with the wraps and tada! VERY yummy dinner!

With Good Friday and Easter upon us, I wanted to find a project to do this weekend with Sophie that would help her understand the TRUE meaning of Easter. As fun as the Easter Bunny and his treats are, Easter is about our Lord and Savior sending his son to die on the cross for us so that we may be forgiven for all of our horrible sins and have everlasting life with him in heaven. Whew - wow! This life is fleeting but because of Jesus dying on that cross, having nails driven THROUGH his hands and feet while being beat, WE get to live for forever in his heavenly Kingdom. A kingdom where there is nothing but love. Umm - yes please! Can you even imagine the sacrifice that he made for us? Or how Mary felt trusting in God's plan while watching her son die the most horrendus of deaths? I cannot even fathom and am embarrassed at the life of continous sin that I lead. However, that is the awesome thing about being a Christian and following Jesus - we don't have to be perfect because we are forgiven and washed new every single day in his unconditional love for us. He knows, understands, and accepts the fact that I am a work in progress but still try my very best to live every day for him.

Sorry - I did not meant to get sidetracked but when you stop to think for a second - WOW! God is good huh?!

Back on track - Resurrection Cookies. I found this recipie on Pinterest and it looks awesome. I think it will be a great way to continue to share with Sophie how much Jesus loves us while using the recipe to share the Easter story with her. We are not really big fans of pecans in our house but for Sophie to fully understand and embrace the lesson behind the recipe, we will make it work!

Please do not be fooled because the picture above is not of my cookies. Yes, I know you are in disbelief to learn that shocking revelation! I feel fairly certain that mine will not turn out that pretty. However, it's all about the process for this recipe so enjoy!! 

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