Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Nonverbal Cues

As I sit down to write this blog I realize that I really don't have anything to write about today. Wifey Wednesday has been one of those blog days where I have to stop and think for a moment on what I have to share. I don't like the fact that it doesn't just flow through me like the other days and this revelation caused me to stop and think - is that because my role as a wife sometimes takes a backseat to my many other roles so therefore it is just not on the forefront of my mind? Well shoot - I think I may be on to something here.
When it comes to my hubby, I am the queen of...well how should I say it? Let's be gentle and call them - nonverbal cues.

Much to my dismay, after almost twelve years together, he has caught on to these cues and knows exactly when they are coming and what they imply. His dangerous knowledge means he then has the ability to call me out on them. Sadly, I even try to sometimes argue with him - "No, I did not just roll my eyes at you and I can't believe you would accuse me of something like that when all I am doing is just sitting here trying to have a conversation with you." As I have mentioned before, since he does not read my blog he will never know my admission of guilt!
I came across a great article Ten Things Your Spouse Needs To Hear You Say on one of the blogs I follow. I loved the list and wanted to be sure to share it. You can find the more detailed version of the list via the link above. For now, I am just sharing the cliffnote version below.
  1. I need you - We must never stop needing each other and showing each that we need each other.
  2. I am praying for you - Letting your spouse know that you are praying for them deepens the intimacy.
  3. Please, Thank you - Such words reflect our attitude of love, respect, appreciation, honor, and awe.
  4. I love you because - This builds our spouses up in a deeper way.
  5. You are beautiful/handsome - We need to hear we are beautiful in each others eyes.
  6. I believe in you - We are made to be affirmed.
  7. No - Most couples are opposites in terms of personality. We bring different strengths into the relationship and balance each other out.
  8. I am sorry, forgive me - real repentance means acknowledging your faults and making a turn to become better.
  9. What do you think - we need to involve each other in the decision making processes. It affirms our partnership.
  10. You are my hero - make it about the things your spouse does well.
What person in their right mind would not want to hear those things from their spouse right?! Now I am going to work on practicing what I preach.....and of course putting a nix on my nonverbal cues.

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