Monday, July 1, 2013

Mommy Monday - Hey Girl

Sophie is about four going on twenty-four right now! Some of the things that just randomly come out of her mouth shock me and have me in fits of laughter!!

Just last week as she was playing with her baby dolls she very casually walked up to me while I was in the the kitchen. Wiith her baby doll placed strategically on her hip and a totally serious look on her face she said - "Hey girl!! How are you? I have not seen you in forever!!" My jaw was on the floor and all I could think was why is there not anyone else around to have heard that come out of her mouth? She must have picked that up from Jeff because goodness knows I would never talk that way!

Sophie loves to shop and is such a little trooper!! We were at Lowe's on Saturday, one of fifty errand stops, and a pink sparkly fan caught her eye. She walked right up to it, pointed, looked at me and said - "Now, that's what I am talking about Mommy."

While the majority of things that come out of her little mouth will just melt your heart, there are also times lately when I think the complete opposite and that she must be possessed. Sophie does not like to get in trouble and is devstated when it happens. She is much like me and is her own worse enemy. However, lately this does not necessarily stop her from having total melt downs and really pushing the limits with me and Jeff.

Currently, she is a huge fan of screaming (and the girl has a strong pair of lungs) and stomping her foot. Sometimes when this happens, I wish I could bring in one of those professional stompping dance troups to do their whole thing of stomping their feet and clapping their hands and dancing. I bet that would get her attention! I guess these lovely littly episodes are also known as a temper tantrums. While they do not happen alot, they are most certainly happening more lately then what we are used too. When she gets in that mode, it is like trying to talk a crazy person off a ledge. And wouldn't you know that these tantrums often happen in the morning as we are all getting ready for the day. We are both trying to make it out of the house and to the office on time and here she is going buck wild about refusing to brush her teeth. By this point, I usually have sweat dripping from places I will not name and the underneath part of my hair is wet from sweat as I try to keep it all together - too late! Then, you throw in having to discpline and I feel as though I have worked a whole day before leaving the house.

I just had to take this picture of my girl. I am not even kidding when I tell you that I was sitting down taking off my shoes and she dragged my vanity chair over so it would be directly in front of me. I guess she wanted to look me straight in the eye as she cried. You have to give her some points for persistance!

 However, I am trying to remind myself that these are learning moments for her and for us. Learning moments about patience and God's guidance in handling the situation the right way and teaching Sophie about reprecussions and displine from unacceptable behavior.

After church yesterday she brought me this sweet surprise. They were asked to draw a picture of themselves and instead drew a picture of me. Don't you just love my long fingers and toes? You can barely make it out but my blonde hair is drawn on there as well. Love my girl!!! 

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