Thursday, July 25, 2013

Random Thursday - The Cat's in the Craddle

1) I get up early every morning, while things are still quiet, and do my devotional then run. I love this quiet time before the day starts getting crazy but I do hate the actual act of running. As much as I would love to be one of those people with the stickers on the back of my car for all the marathons and such that I have completed, it will never happen. It just won't! Now, I could do Zumba and a Mud Run every day of the week but as for the 'ole boring run - it is a necessary evil!

2) I learned something crazy cool in my devotional this morning that yet again shows how great is our God! There is the existence of a protein molecule in the human body called Laminin. Laminin is a self adhesive protein molecule that litterally holds our human bodies together. The shape of this tiny protein is a cross. Seriously, a cross! How crazy right?! Just another example of how precious and amazing our heavenly Father is. He really does hold us together in every since of the word!

3) King, one of our new kittens, LOVES for Sophie to carry him around like a baby. I am not even kidding - he loves it. This morning she was carrying him around craddled in her arms and she said to me "Mommy, look what just came out of my tummy." We did not have enough time for me to even begin to broach that subject so I just rolled with it.

Have a great day!

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