Thursday, November 7, 2013

Random Thursday - Never Ever

1) Recent Conversation -
Me- "Sophie, what are you doing with your baby doll bottle under your shirt?"
Sophie - "I am getting milk for my baby."
Me - Thinking that I am afraid to ask, I go for it anyways, "Where is the milk coming from?"
Sophie - "From my belly, I just had a baby."
Whew!!!!! I was so not ready to have that conversation!

2) Blockbuster has officially closed. To be honest, I thought it happened awhile ago but apparently not. Anyways, it occured to me that this is the end of era. I have fond memories of going to the "video store" with Mom and Dad when I was younger and picking out a special movie for all of us to watch together. Of course you had to hope that your movie selection was "in" and if not and you were really desperate, you could go to the front and ask if had recently been returned and perhaps not been restocked yet. The good 'ole days.

3) Sophie starts school next Fall and we have begun the task of visiting schools. Stressful process! Jeff and I have been discussing it for awhile and have decided that, if possible, it is very important to us that Sophie have a faith based education. We are blessed in our community to have a few options so the tours have begun. By the time Sophie actually starts school, these people are probably going to be so over seeing me! We are just praying that God provides us with the direction and a sense of peace with where we should send her.

4) We had our family pictures this week and overall, they went really well. We used a new photographer and loved her! Sophie did great and is always wonderful with following directions but as far as actually smiling for the camera- that is another story. She hams it up for pictures all the time so I am not sure what happens or why but when it comes to family pictures, she refuses to smile and instead offers a firestarter esque type of glare. Lovely. Luckily, I still feel confident she was able to snag some great pictures. Just one picture is all I have wanted for the past 2 years....just one!

I took this little gem after we had gotten home and she was exhausted!

5) I am very blessed in my life to have many girlfriends that I have been friends with for going on 20 years now. However - one of my most special and oldest friends, who I have been friends with since we were in the 1st grade (27 years - yikes!), sent me this picture last weekend. She came across it at her mama's house and it litterly made my heart melt! We have been through so much together and our mamas are equally as's like one big family. I love you so much my repper (there is no way on this green earth that I could ever share with you the origin of this never ever)!  

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