Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - The 7 Experiment

Our bible study group recently completed our first study together - "Frazzled Female" by Cindi Wood and it was wonderful.

As I am sure you can imagine just by the title of the book cover picture alone, we knew it would be a great fit for all of us. Plus, this was a wonderful first selection for the group as we got to know each other better and became more comfortable and open in our discussions. 

I truly feel as though this bible study group been such a blessing and has made me a better wife and mother! It allows me the time, first and foremost, to sit down and study about my heavenly Father. Secondly, it allows me the opportunity to fellowship with my sisters in Christ and remind each other that we are not alone! As wives and mothers, we are not alone and to share that bond with each other through Christ is such a blessing and truly priceless!

In all fairness, I cannot brag about the awesomeness of my bible study group without also bragging about how supportive Jeff has been! God laid it on my heart to begin this group a few months ago and after wrestling with it for a few weeks, I finally dove in and wouldn't you know - our Lord provided! Not only did he provide the guidance and the ladies but also a supportive husband. We open our home every other Sunday for this group and Jeff is always sure to have dinner ready for both him and Sophie before they head upstairs to hang out, play, and watch TV for the next two and a half hours. And let me just say, this is not as easy as it sounds. It takes a village right??

For our next study, we have recently decided to tackle "The 7 Experiment" by Jen Hatmaker

I first became aware of this study while attending the dotMOM conference in September and since then have not stopping hearing about it from all sorts of people. It came up during a discussion with a friend at church on Sunday, with another friend during lunch, on is everywhere and I realized, whether I wanted to or not, what God was doing. I really felt as though this is where he was leading our group for the next study. Luckily, everyone agreed and without even knowing, all voted for this study.

From what I have heard, "The 7 Experiment" is a journey. It is not for the light hearted as it really opens up your eyes to the "things" around you. In all truthfulness, that is one of the reasons that I have tried to dodge the bullet that God has been sending my way by laying it on my heart to do this study. I have been scared of what it will ask me to think about and challenge me to do as I strip down the "comforts" that we, especially in America,  have come to take for granted in our day to day lives. This study will challenge not only me but my entire family.What an incredible blessing though because when God is calling you do something and you follow, that is when you experience such true joy and love! Often, when we are the most stripped down is when we truly discover our most pure and raw relationship with Jesus Christ.

Wish us luck on our journey!

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