Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wifey Wednesday - Embrace

Over the past week, I feel as though we have had alot of heartbreak and seen alot of tragedy. It's hard not to concentrate on the sadness and tragedy when the pictures continue to roll out from Oklahoma stating otherwise. It's hard not to concentrate on the sickness and death when facebook and the local news continues to state otherwise. But - we have too! There is still so much beauty and light in the midst of darkness, we may just have to look a little bit harder to find it...but it is still there. God is still so good and our Lord is ever present. His heart breaks for us during times like these while Satan thrives on it. Satan uses these times to remind us of all the ugly things in the world and create a fog that is sometimes hard to come out of when it is all you are seeing and hearing. We must rise above it and continue to see the good and beauty even in times like these. Now are the times that we can show our ever faithful trust and hope in God. Now are the times to show his love to others who might be too weak to stand on their own. Now is the time to really live our lives for God every single. Love and embrace what is really important in life because in the blink of an eye it can all change.

"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18

Sorry for the change of pace for Wifey Wednesday but I just really felt the need to share that just as much for myself to remember as for anyone reading it.

Something else I would love to share is the AWESOME Song of Solomon series that our preacher just wrapped up two weeks ago.

Click here to check out the series

GREAT series that left no stone unturned in a book of the bible that is sometimes a bit awkward to share and speak about at church of all places. I feel so blessed to be part of a church community and family at Silverdale Baptist Church that is led by a man who has no interest in preaching anything other than the gospel of God as given to us through the bible. He is not concerned about his words being politically correct or his direction pleasing others. He is only concerned about sharing God's love and truth!

The last lesson in the series was entitled "Committment: Forever and Always" Song of Solomon 8:6-14. Our pastor spoke about how there are few gurantees in life but if you commit your marriage to the six things below, your marriage will last forever and always.

1) Possessive - Your spouse should have your heart.
Your strength should go to your marriage above all else. Your spouse should not have your leftovers.
2) Permanent - Only be seperated by death.
Divorce should not be a word that is lightly thrown around your house in the midst of an argument.
3) Purified - Keep God in the center of your life.
We need God in our lives every hour of every day because that is the only way that we will make it. Pray together and start your day together everyday.
4) Persevere - Endure through life's troubles.
There will be hard times in your marriage but you must press through together.
5) Priceless - Put nothing above your mate.
Nothing is more precious than you spouse and you should not sacrifice your marriage for anything. Your spouse should be the ultimate example of beauty for you.
6) Private - Give yourself only to one another.
We are a private park for one, not a public park for many. We are meant to enjoy each other in a marriage. Sounds good to me!

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