Monday, February 10, 2014

Mommy Monday - Feeling Faklempt

I am not exactly sure how or when we got here but the time has come to start the process for Sophie to enter kindergarten in the Fall.
A few questions that are running through my mind with this new chapter -
"When did I get old enough to have a child?"
"When did my baby become old enough to go to big girl school?"
"Why is time moving so fast?"
"Is it too late to just put her in a bubble and perhaps lock her away in her room for forever?!"
I am now feeling faklempt!!
We have diligently prayed for the past two years about where to send Sophie to school and after many prayers we feel beyond blessed to be able to provide her with the opportunity to attend Silverdale Baptist Academy.
We had our initial interview a few weeks ago and as we arrived, Sophie bounced into that school ready to roll. The children was dismissing as we arrived and Sophie was in awe of the "big kids". When I told her that we would get to go shopping for her very own big girl backpack - I thought she was going to explode with happiness!
As the principal and teacher arrived to take us in seperate directions for our interviews, I felt myself (out of pure instinct) take steps towards the teacher who was now chatting with Sophie. My instinct was to put my hand on Sophie's shoulder and encourage her during the course of their conversation as she sometimes has a tendency to be a bit shy. Then, I stopped in my tracks. It was as if God was putting his hand on my shoulder and whispering in my ear - "It's ok my child. This is her time to shine without you. She will be ok. Let her go." In that moment I realized what was happening. One chapter closing and another new and exciting chapter opening.
Luckily, we had to step into our interview because otherwise I may have been in the fetal position rocking back and forth on the floor crying as if my baby had been ripped out of my arms and dragged off to war . Now, call me crazy, but I do not think that would have reflected too well upon us. Apparently I must have had an interesting expression on my face because the principal did look at me and ask if I was alright. As I turned toward her I noticed that she had one of those comforting smiles on her face that only mamas can share with one other. The kind that tells you that from one mama to another they completely and totally understand what you are feeling and that there is no need to worry because it will all be okay.
Can you tell this is our first child people?! Whew!
Then I almost cried again as she prayed with us prior to beginning our interview. Something about hearing someone pray for my child's future just gets me every time!! Believe it or not, I did hold it all together for our interview which was a wonderful experience for us all!
As we were waited for our interview to begin, she wanted to have her picture made with Olaf from "Frozen".
Very proud of her certificate she received after her interview!!!
Once we finally did make it back to our car I dissolved into tears. Shocking right?! Tears of complete and utter peace that this is where we are meant to be. Tears that we are so incredibly blessed by God. Tears that we are blessed to be able to provide her this opporotunity. Tears that time is going by so fast. Tears that she is old enough to be going to school. Tears that I probably will not be able to find a bubble big enough to keep her in. Lots and lots of tears. Sophie was listening to her princess CD so lucky for her she was completely and totally unaware of the monsoon coming from my eyes. Jeff on the other hand was not so lucky. He was looking at me as though I was some random maniac who had just hijacked his car. I am sure he was also comtemplating the possible land mines of what exactly should he say in this moment. However, later that evening I caught him just watching Sophie with that same look in his eye that I had earlier in the day. As we glanced at each other a million things were said and felt without saying anything at all.
Now we just eagerly await our acceptance letter (fingers and toes crossed) to arrive in the mail. Otherwise, it may be a whole new set of tears for a totally different reason!

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