Thursday, February 6, 2014

Random Thursday - Stale Cheese and Blow Pops

1) Per weekly tradition, we were recently with friends enjoying dinner at our favorite Mexican Resturant. As usual, the girls were enjoying their blow pop after dinner and Sophie somehow mysteriously "lost" hers . The next morning as I was arriving at work and removing my jacket, looky what I found. It had been stuck on the inside of my jacket!! Classic!!!
2) During the same evening referenced above, I kinda sort of ran us out of gas on the way to dinner. Luckily, the hubby was so patient with me and of course Sophie thought it was such an adventure! Our friends that we were meeting for dinner were sweet enough to bring us some gas.

Let me explain my logic - I just seriously HATE pumping gas and thought I could make it long enough to pick up Jeff so he could fill up the car for me. And that is pretty much the way it has been for almost 13 years now. He gets into the car and my gas light is on. Lucky for him, this time I may have learned my lesson....maybe! I can't make any promises.
3) As I was getting ready Monday morning I opened up my jewelry drawer to find this -
Yes people, that is a slice of cheese with a rather large bite taken out of it. Apparently Sophie snuck it upstairs and hid it from me. However, based on the consistancy of the cheese, she forgot all about it as it was most certainly a few days old.
4)  I am obsessed with my new showergel!! It smells so beyond amazing and of course is much cheaper then those fancy name brands!
Dial Skin Therapy Replenishing Body Wash with Himalayan Pink Salt - my new fav!!!!!

Have a great day!

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