Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wifey Wednesday - Hands Free

In the continuing saga that is our bible study fasting experiement, this week we are fasting from Media. This was one from the very beginning that I knew would be challeging for me. After learning our lesson from week one with food fasting, we decided to sit down and take a more strategic approach. What would be challenging for our family while still allowing us to function day to day? Ultimately, we decided that we would do the following -
1) No recreational screen time. However, I did allow myself a quick 5 minutes every evening to only check facebook and make sure I have not received any messages or comments that I need to respond too. Something of actual importance is allowed a response. By important - I am not referring to someones response as to the location of where they purchased a cute handbag. No facebook "browsing" allowed.
What I have already learned is that I am on facebook waaaaay tooooo much!! Way to much! Now, just because I don't post, doesn't mean I am not on there surfing away. Really? Like so many earth shattering things have happened in the past 15 minutes since I checked it last that I need get on there again and check for "new" updates?? From who?! Someone telling me that their child has ball practice tonight or what they are cooking for dinner?! Seriously, is this really going to impact my life so much that I need to know about it?! Don't get me wrong, I am just as bad as everyone else. I totally feed in to it but there is nothing like realizing the extent of your addiction! We are out of control people!! Instead of actually living our lives, we are reading about everyone else's or missing major moments because we need to post our facebook update.
I do realize that now a days facebook is a necessary evil. There are also alot of great and redeeming qualities of facebook. However, the obsession with it is beyond!
2) No iphone apps (only music), which basically means no Pinterest and Us Magazine. As you can imagine, Jeff was beyond distraught by this as he is always pinning new things onto his Home Decor board. He just cannot wait to start yet another new home project!!
No pinterest has been wonderful because it has meant less guilt this week. I have not had to worry with feeling like a failure because my child's room does not have a handmade headboard in the shape of a princess castle. Feeling like a failure because I have not done 6 of the 10 things that post said that I should do with my child by the time they turn 5. Envy because my house will never be decorated like those that I just pinned to my board. Jealousy because if I just had one more bathroom like that picture does, then I could totally decorate it for guests.
Again, Pinterest is a wonderful thing. But, we have taken it to the extreme!
3) Since we are not home during the day, we banned TV from 5:00 - 8:00 in the evenings. Yes, I know this may not seem like alot to you but it is for us. Not so much because we are plastered in front of it every evening but mainly because it is always on at least serving as background noise. I feel as though this makes me sounds like a horrible wife and mother who is always plopping her family down in front of the TV. While this not the case, we do most certainly enjoy our TV time cuddling on the couch. We have instead been feeling the void with more playing and talking. More creative time together. During this summer time this would not be a difficult challenge as we spend all of our free time outside. However, the cold winter months are a different story. We also may or may not be using the free time to spy on our new neighbors as they slowly move in. Hey, you have to improvise! 
We read articles every day reminding us, especially as mamas, how we need to "put down the screen" and focus on what is right in front of us. Truthfully though, it is hard to do....disturbingly difficult. This week has forced me to finally take action as I strive to become more "hands free". I am excited to take it back to the old school days and embrace more of the "hands free" lifestyle as I become more "hands on" with my family.  

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