Thursday, October 3, 2013

Random Thursday - Gladiators

1) I have been shopping for Fall clothes lately and had a recent revelation. Have you ever noticed how the manequins always look perfect in their clothes? Besides the fact that they are a size negative 0, all their outfits are clipped in the back so everything is fitted and hangs just right! That is so not fair because then there I stand in the dressing room driving myself crazy wondering why it just does not look the same on me. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I am not a size 0. I am a size 2 so really there is not that much difference.....insert sarcasam here.

2) Have you been watching the new show "Blacklist" with James Spader?

If not, then stop whatever you are doing right now. the like the wind to your DVR and record this new show. It is amazing and I am obsessed. Of course I have always liked James Spader from his "Pretty In Pink" days.

However, now I love him! With this new show, you can't really decide if he is a bad guy or good guy but regardless he has a way of making you love him! Plus, I have always wanted to be a C.I.A. Sidney Bristow type of chick. Remember how awesome she was in the show Alias?! 

3) While I am on track to sound like a crazy TV watching junkie, let me move on to "Scandal". There are no words for the pure awesomeness that is this show. I was a late bloomer to joining this train but am now fully invested. In recent weeks, I have watched every single episode (thank you netflix) and am finally all caught up. 

In fact, I have been watching so many episodes that recently I started getting Olivia Pope and her group of gladiators confused with real people. For example, as I was cooking dinner the other night I was listening to the news. Of course they were talking about the government shutdown and all I remember thinking is - well, if they would just call Olivia Pope and let her take care of things, all will end well. This may have happened a few other times as well but I will keep those to myself. 

Regardless though, as you are running like the wind to your DVR, add "Scandal" to your list.

4) Just a few sweet pictures of my girl that I just had to share.

We recently received our small holiday catalog from Toys R Us. Sophie always loves to going through it and circling all of the toys she would like to place on her Christmas list. I am not even kidding when I tell that this child spent one solid hour just like this -

She was taking it very seriously. It was like she was studying for a final exam.

As I was getting ready to leave for work one morning this week, I noticed this pair of precious little purple Dora house shoes strategically placed right next to mine. MELT my heart!

This poor child is so ready for a little brother or sister. I guess she has given up on Mommy and Daddy so she just decided to take matters into her own hands.

Little sister (a.k.a Hello Kitty) joined us at the table for dinner this week. I also had to settle arguments between the both of them and set both in timeout on multiple occasions?!?! No kidding!

All in due time my girl!
And no, I am not trying to send a secret message. Just sharing my daily random thoughts!  


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