Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mommy Monday - He has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!

Please excuse my tardiness with this post! I accidently hit a button on my computer (shocker!) and changed the format to HTML. For the life of me, I could not figure out how to change it back until luckily a friend from work came to my rescue! I believe this is what you would call a BLONDE MOMENT!
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

This was the standard greeting of the early church. Whenever two Christians would meet they would remember the glorious fact that Jesus rose from the dead, He proved that He was who he said He was, He had authority in heaven and on Earth, and He had authority over death, hell and the grave. Whenever they would meet, one would greet the other with "He is Risen!" and the other would respond, "He is Risen Indeed!" What a glorious greeting!! I just love it and wish we still used it! What a wonderful way to say hello to someone! 

I hope you and your family had a wonderful and blessed Easter weekend! While our weekend was rainy, we still enjoyed the celebration. If you remember, I had mentioned in a previous post that we would be trying to make our Resurrection Cookies this weekend. Let me lead with sharing that Sophie greatly the cooking session and the lesson that went along with it.

Look at that face! My girl is serious about her baking! 

However, the cookies did not really turn out all that well which is why you will not find a picture of the post oven cookies. If you take a look at them below, before they went in the oven – yup, that is pretty much how they looked when they came out of the oven.

Like I said, let's focus on the important part of the recipe which was for Sophie to learn about Jesus. However,  the end result for the cookies – not so much. I think we will be making something different next year!

A few hours later we were in the car and she said “Hey mommy, the angel came and took Jesus off the cross because the bad men put him up there right?” Ok, so maybe the cookies were not such a bust after all!

After the cookie debacle we headed over to Sophie's preschool for an Easter egg drop. They dropped a TON of eggs out of a helicopter for the all of the kids – very cool! Mommy and Daddy had to keep their competitive nature in check once everyone was given the green light to run and grab eggs. Sophie was enjoying a leisurely stroll only picking up the eggs with the colors she liked while my blood pressure was through the roof trying to keep my cool and not dive and grab every plastic egg in sight. Hey, at least we kept ourselves in check!

I promise she really did have a great time and is not being tortured! However, if she does not want to smile for a picture, no amount of bribing will make it happen. I know this to be true because I have tried!
After church on Sunday afternoon, we enjoyed a cookout at my sister and brother-in-law’s house. Or as Sophie refers to them – May May (Megan) and Cow (Josh). No clue why she calls him Cow but sadly for him, this is now his name and sets the precedence for all future nieces and nephews. Even though it was raining outside, May May did a GREAT job hiding Easter Eggs inside the house and Sophie loved hunting them.

My handsome hubby and sweet girl!

Best girlfriends forever!

Very proud of her egg hunting prizes!

Bubba even got in on the action and hid some eggs himself…inside his shirt. I am sure he took the ones with the money inside.

So much to be thankful for and once again another blessed Easter celebration. Thank you Jesus!

He has Risen! He has Risen Indeed!

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