Thursday, April 18, 2013

Random Thursday - I think I can, I think I can

1) I HATE working out. I love the results and the way it makes me feel but I hate the actual process. Now, if I could do Zumba everyday or a Mud Run or something like that, then that would be a different story. But just your basic go into the gym type of thing - blek! I still do it but hate it. I hate that feeling when you have been on the eliptical for about 5 minutes and you glance down thinking you have been going at least 10-15 minutes but you only see the number 5.....HORRIBLE! However, I need the workout just as much mentally as I do physically so it is a necessary evil. No pain no gain right?!

2) Speaking of sweatpants, I read on someones blog today about how they try to always look nice for their husbands. I think this is a great point. Now, she did not necessarily mean black tie attire but more along the lines of clothes that are not stained with dry food, greasy hair, that sort of thing.

Of course we all have our moments and and are completely entitled to them. Afterall, our spouse vowed to love us unconditionally. However, there is a fine line. Maintaining your appearance for your spouse will also make you feel better. I love nothing more then comfy clothes but just make sure you have showered and they are clean. This will go a long way!

3) We leave for Disney World next week!!!! The weather is supposed to be great but hot. I found this super cute and super cheap Fedora at Target last weekend that I just had to have. Now of course in my head, I see it coordinating with my outfits and being all cute and stuff and me totally being able to pull it off. Lets just hope that will be my reality!

 4) Every year I participate in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event. I feel as though this is my way of fighting back! I am an almost 9 year cancer survivor however I lost my grandmother and grandfather to this disease. Jeff has a cousin is cousin who is a survivor but has lost his grandmother.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life program is about so much more than just walking around a track overnight. At Relay for Life events, we celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, remember those who are no longer with us, and fight back against this disease that takes so much from so many.

I will be participating on Saturday, May 18th @ 6pm and would appreciate your support with an online donation toward my fundraising goal. You can even make your donation in honor/memory of someone you love. In addition to funding lifesaving research, every dollar raised helps the American Cancer Society provide services to cancer patients in need, like providing rides to treatment for those who don’t have transportation of their own.

You can make a donation to my team page or learn more about Relay for Life by clicking the link below.

2012 - sporting my survivor shirt!

2006-2007, Taking my survivor lap with my grandma Deei - that was pretty special. She later lost her battle with brain cancer in 2009, 6 weeks before my Sophie (her first great grandchild) was born. My grandpa Rick (pictured here) past away this past October from cancer.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

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