Monday, February 11, 2013

Mommy Monday - Meltdown

Meltdown (noun) - a breakdown of self-control (as from fatigue or overstimulation).

Meltdown is no doubt the word that comes to mind to describe my Saturday afternoon personality. As us mommies have a tendency to do, I take care of everyone and everything while juggling a neverending "To Do" list with not enough hours in the day. Sound familiar?! And to make matters worse, I am a bit of a control freak with a side of OCD. Hmm - don't I just sound like a ball of fun? I promise I really am better than I sound! My point in sharing some of my not so fantastic qualities is that you can understand how all of this ended up being the ingredients for a perfect storm mommy meltdown. While the below pic is not actually of me, I would imagine I did look  a little something like this.....except probably worse!

Last week was a bit of a rough week at work. There was not really anything in particular that happened but more along the lines of just little things here and there that started piling on top of each other. As it got closer to Friday, the pile kept getting larger and heavier and I started feeling that bubbling in the pit of my stomach that indicates I might need a little time out. Friday morning started with me standing in my closet looking at my clothes and thinking that I litterly have NOTHING to wear. I am done, I am not going anywhere bc I have no clothes. Friday by Noon, all of our plans for the weekend, including our big date Saturday night, were cancelled due to our sitters being sick (which of course cannot be helped). Friday afternoon, work was only getting worse and more stressful and I learned Jeff had to work all weekend. Saturday morning, my iphone charger completely breaks leaving me with a dead as a doornail phone. By Saturday around lunch - I was barely hanging on to my sanity. Then, at 1pm, when my washing machine broke - mid cycle full of soap and water with my best girls precious clothes including her beloved lovie....I finally lost it. We were getting ready for a birthday party, Jeff was at work, and I had all of these clothes sitting in the machine. AGRHHHHHHHHHHHH - and.....cue meltdown! Sidenote - meltdown was perfectly acceptable bc Sophie was watching Chicken Little, currently her fav movie, and had no clue I was sobbing so hard there was actually no noise....that is when you know its bad. And then - my mommy came to rescue and all the sudden everything seemed right with the world again. Apparently, all I needed was her to swoop in and rescue me. My parents came over and as Daddy checked out the washing machine, Mom got Sophie ready for her bday party while I finished getting dressed. Then, they pulled all the wet clothes out of the washing machine, grabbed ALL of my other laundry, and took it back to their house to wash and dry.

Later that evening, as I took the folded and wonderful smelling clean clothes out of the basket and put them up into their proper place, two things occured to me.

1) No matter how old you are, there is no one better to rescue you from a meltdown then your mama.
2) It sure would be great to have a laundry service to take care of my clothes for me.

I am well aware that in the grand scheme of life, there are soo many worse things than what happened above. I remember after having the doctors tell me "you have cancer" I would have cut off my right arm to to trade what I used to think was a "bad day" for what was happening right then. Because of my experience I feel that my mighty God has blessed me with the gift and appreciation to know how truly important it is to treasure everyday and not sweat the small stuff. This is something I feel as though I do very well the majority of the time. However, we are only human and sometimes it is cleansing just to have a good 'ole fashion hard and ugly cry. I really did feel much better post meltdown.

Later that day, as we pulled into Target, I found a parking space right in front which was great bc of course we were in a hurry. While in Target, I ran across a bookshelf that I have been trying to snag for Sophie's room for forever and then have been sold out. I even had my raincheck ticket to secure the bookshelf at the low sale price they were originally offering. Then, bc they carried my bookcase to customer service, I did not have to wait in one of the CRAZY long checkout lines. This was fantastic bc we were in such a hurry. I said a silent prayer to my Lord bc I know he was watching out for me! I wanted him to know I was appreciated the small victories bc they made a huge difference that day. Those small victories were all I needed to complete a full recovery post meltdown.

As we were leaving Target Saturday afternoon, I apologized to Sophie bc even though she did not witness my meltdown, I felt as though I had not given her alot quality time that day. She looked right at me and without missing a beat said "We haven't had a bad day Mommy, we have had a great day." The little things in life right? And she was right. As we continued the rest of our day, we had a great time at her friends birthday party and an even better dinner that night with friends and their family which included Sophie's BFF.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. He is good even in the storms (no matter the size) bc it makes us appreciate the peaks so much more!


  1. I can really understand this post. As a working mom, with traveling husband, it is the little thing that can send you right over the edge. You know I am not a crier but I do get very angry. My mom is always there to calm me down when I am at my worst. I have watched her do it so many times-I am learning some of her skills to avoid meltdown all together. Yes, this includes (but is not limited to) talking to myself on the way to work this morning about how I CAN do this!

  2. Oh, is talking to yourself not normal?! :)
