Monday, June 17, 2013

Mommy Monday - Happy Father's Day

"The father of one who is right with God will have much joy.
He who has a wise son will be glad in him."
Proverbs 23:24
How blessed I am to have such a wonderful Daddy!! This man has taught me to so much about what is means to be an amazing father, husband, and just overall good person! There are not enough words or time to express how blessed I am to call him Daddy. I am so very proud to be his daughter!

From the time I was born, this man has been there for me every second, of every moment, of every day. I have always known he loves me unconditionally - no matter what!

He has taught us how to laugh and love and follow God.

He has never missed any activity we have ever been involved with, no matter how big or small. Some of my best memories are of us traveling together for my softball games!! We always had so much fun!

He also has a huge heart. Growing up, I remember countless occasions of him pulling the car over to pick Mom some wildflowers from the side of the road. Or, stopping to help someone who was having car trouble.

At our wedding rehearsal, he told that minister that he would not give me away. Even though he LOVED Jeff, he would never give me away. Therefore, the minister would have to find another way to word it. Something about this made my heart melt because I would never want him to give me away. I will always be his little girl.

While watching our wedding DVD a few weeks later, I learned of an incident that will always be one of my most cherished moments from that special day.
Jeff had really only ask for two major things on our wedding day. He wanted good music and to not see me before the wedding. He insisted that he wanted his first glimpse of me to be as I they opened the church doors and I came down the isle with Daddy.
When this moment did happen, I somehow did not even notice that Jeff was crying.  As my daddy stood in between us at the alter, he ever so discreetley handed Jeff his handkerchief (one of his signatures) out of his pocket. Something about this moment which I was unaware of, touches me so deeply and will until the day I take my last breath.

Loving our Mom unconditionally is perhaps one of the most wonderful gifts my father blessed us with!

Needless to say, the bar and expectations for my future husband were set high. Luckily, God is always in control and blessed my life with the man I now call my husband. I could not have dreamed of a better Daddy to our little girl. He provides for our family and has the most gentle and giving spirit. When I see this big guy sitting behind a doll house playing with barbies or baby dolls, my heart hurts from the intensity of my love for him. He is the best little girl Daddy and can play dress up with the best of them. He is not ashamed of his feelings or to show his love for "his girls". This gift is one that will shape the way Sophie loves and expects to be loved.  

She thinks her Daddy can do anything!

Let me just go ahead and apologize ahead of time to her future husband. Sophie's daddy has set the bar high. Our little girl knows how special she is and will one day have high expectations of how she should be loved and the kind of man she deserves to spend her life with. She will expect you to be a strong man of faith with a love and a passion for God. She will expect you to love her unconditionally and not be afraid to show that love or emotions.
You can thank her Daddy for these high expectations!

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy and to the man my daughter calls Daddy!
We Love You Both So Very Much!

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