Monday, June 3, 2013

Mommy Monday - Sophie's First MugShot

Happy Monday!!

We had quite a few firsts at our house last week! First, I am so excited to share that I got a new intern at work. Let me just tell you, she is one of the most beautiful interns I have ever seen and certainly made my day so much better!

My new intern studying her training video (A.K.A. - "Beauty and the Beast").

Gigi and Poppy jetted off to the beach last week - aren't they so cute?! 

With them being gone and school out for the summer, we had to juggle our schedule a bit. This gave us the opporotunity to have our first "Go to Work with Mommy Day".

We both really enjoyed our day together! Sophie told me it was really cool (yay - mommy points) and she was asking all sorts of fun questions. I just had to share this picture she had made for her visitor's badge. If this doesn't look like a 4 year old mug shot, I don't know what does.

We have local magazine accurately named - Just Busted. As you can imagine, this distribution features some of Chattanooga's finest model citizens immediately after having their mugshut made for all sorts of fun arrests. I think you could photoshop Sophie right in there and no one would even blink an eye. Maybe add some mascara down her cheek too though. You know, just to fully embrace the role!

In her defense - they did snap the picture with a computer camera which she had never seen before. I think it threw off her usual supermodel pose and quickly turned into a "what the heck is this thing and who is this guy" pose.

She also started making her own bed last week too! With my OCD nature, it is so hard to not to go behind her and straighten it up. However, I know this is not the best or right thing to do so therefore you will be happy to know that I refrained. Instead, we make a really big deal of how awesome it looks which of course means we then had to take some pictures of it!

And a close up she said...that way everyone will know it is her! Don't you just love it?!

Jeff and I came across this you tube video entitled "Conversations with my two year old". It is hilarious and so true!! If you have not already seen it - be sure to check it out for a good laugh!


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